中图分类号:F724.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-8266(2023)03-0061-11
引用:宋思根,赵庆明.明星主播对观众购买意愿的影响机制[J].中国流通经济,2023(3):61-71. doi:10.14089/j.cnki.cn11-3664/f.2023.03.005
Impact of Superstars Live-streaming on Audiences' Purchase Intention
SONG Si-gen and ZHAO Qing-ming
(School of Economics and Management,Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418,China)
Abstract:As the most active factor of live-streaming e-commerce,anchors attract more focusing of researchers. Compared with other typical anchors,superstar anchors have certain particularity due to their celebrity effect. The impact of superstars livest reaming on audience's purchase intention is still unknown. Based on the social comparison theory,audience upward comparison,self- difference,and implicit personality are all the factors of impact mechanism of audience's purchase intention. Data analysis shows that:upward comparison between audiences and superstar anchors has positive impact on audiences' purchase intention,and the self-difference plays a partial mediating role in this process;implicit personality moderates the effect of upward comparison on purchase intention,and compared with the incremental theorist consumers,the consumers who are entity theorist have stronger purchase intention after the upward comparison;and the consistency between characteristics of lives treaming superstars and that of on- sale products moderates the impact of upward comparison on purchase intention,and the higher the consistency,the stronger the purchase intention the audiences show. In view of this,enterprises should,first select superstars with more differences from the audiences as anchors,and take advantage of upward comparison to improve the audience's perception of differences and stimulate consumers' purchase desire;second,the enterprises should subdivide the audiences by lines and interaction during the live- streaming,highlight the symbolic value of products when introducing products,promote the consumers who are entity theorist to make purchase decisions quickly,and emphasize the positive effect of using products on consumers' personal change or self- improvement;and third,the enterprises should convert the strong emotional experience generated by upward comparison into the psychological dynamics of consumers' purchase behavior, and maximize the potential value of emotional experience.
Key words:superstars live-streaming;upward comparison;implicit personality;purchase intention
Citation:Song, S. and Zhao, Q. (2023). Impact of Superstars Live-streaming on Audiences' Purchase Intention.China Business and Market. Vol.37, No.3, pp.61-71. doi:10.14089/j.cnki.cn11-3664/f.2023.03.005
网址:明星主播对观众购买意愿的影响机制 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/598242