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The 2023 edition of the Michelin Guide Beijingwas
released in an online ceremony on 21 December 2022
Good food can warm the heart even in the most difficult of times. Due to the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Michelin Guide Beijing is still being announced online, but like always, it showcases the very best of the international culinary talent that calls Beijing home.
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Opera BOMBANA在2023北京米其林指南中
Michelin Guide Beijing 2023 awards Opera BOMBANA
one Michelin Star for second year running
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2022年注定是不平凡的一年。在2022年北京米其林指南中获得一星荣誉之后,Opera BOMBANA没有放松自己的脚步,面对专业评审给予的肯定,团队更加沉心研发菜品,精进服务质量,不负顾客的期待。
For Opera BOMBANA, 2022 was destined to be an extraordinary year. After receiving its first star in the Michelin Guide Beijing 2022, the restaurant did not rest on its laurels, and instead the team focused on developing new dishes, improving service quality, and exceeding customer expectations.
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Opera BOMBANA Young Team 年轻团队
作为“BOMBANA”家族中的年轻一员,Opera BOMBANA保持着家族中一贯的纯正意大利风味,同时充满旺盛的好奇心,探索意大利餐饮与多元文化碰撞的更多可能。
As one of the younger members of the BOMBANA family, Opera BOMBANA is committed to authentic Italian cuisine but also maintains a passion for pushing boundaries and exploring new flavours and techniques.
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2022年才华横溢的行政主厨Andrea Susto先与日本料理大师趣味联手,再与北京王府半岛酒店米其林一星法餐厅Jing主厨William Mahi联袂呈现法意双星盛筵,又于Opera BOMBANA九周年之际与北京米其林一星餐厅北京厨房行政主厨古志辉联手合作,在意大利美食与多种文化碰撞的氛围中,收获一次次惊喜,也收获无数盛事美谈。
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The year 2022 saw Opera BOMBANA Executive Chef Andrea Susto collaborate with some of Beijing’s best chef, including a master of Japanese cuisine and the head chef of one Michelin-starred French restaurant JING at the Peninsula Beijing, William Mahi. To celebrate the restaurant’s ninth anniversary, Chef Susto joined hands with Chef Ku Zhihui from one Michelin-starred Beijing Kitchen.
Opera BOMBANA9th Anniversary Celebration九周年盛典
难忘的2022年即将走向尾声,这一年中,Opera BOMBANA团队经历了喜悦,收获,也承受了压力,接受了各种挑战。宾客们的期待是Opera BOMBANA永远向前的动力,团队将继续以“BOMBANA”家族的超高规格标准要求自己,继续保持奋发之势,在崭新的2023年为新老朋友带来更多惊喜与感动。
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This unforgettable year is now coming to an end, and the Opera BOMBANA team is now looking ahead to the future. The team will continue to set the highest standards for themselves and create new surprises and delights for customers old and new in the year to come.