
发布时间:2024-12-16 06:28

botsin.space Account Analysis

Exploring what kind of bots people make and follow in the fediverse.

Data from: Social media enhances languages differentiation: a mathematical description

Understanding and predicting the evolution of competing languages is a topic of high interest in a world with more than 6000 languages competing in a highly connected environment. We consider a reasonable mathematical model describing a situation of competition between two languages and analyze the effect the speakers’ connectivity (i.e. social networks). Surprisingly, instead of homogenizing the system, a high degree of connectivity helps to introduce differentiation for the appropriate parameters.

RawDataset(Q&A users)

Data on users' questions, answers, and recommendations (posting opinions) on knowledge search sites. Social networks can be established based on actions such as questions, answers, and recommendations from users, and can be used as data to analyze the constructed social network structure and calculate users' expertise and influence.

Social Relation

Social Relation Dataset 是用于从人脸图像进行社会关系特征预测的数据集。特质基于基斯勒提出的人际关系圈,其中人际关系分为16个部分。每个部分在圆圈中都有其相反的一面,例如“友好和敌对”。该数据集包含从互联网和电影中选择的 8,306 张图像。每个图像都标有人脸的边界框及其成对关系。

Social Computing Data Repository


Data from: Social media enhances languages differentiation: a mathematical description

Understanding and predicting the evolution of competing languages is a topic of high interest in a world with more than 6000 languages competing in a highly connected environment. We consider a reasonable mathematical model describing a situation of competition between two languages and analyse the effect of the speakers' connectivity (i.e. social networks). Surprisingly, instead of homogenizing the system, a high degree of connectivity helps to introduce differentiation for the appropriate parameters.

Twitter Connections with User Location

Induced sub-graphs of Twitter's user-graph with users' locations


Online social networks profile matcher helps you identify an individual through different social networks. Is there a correlation between usernames on different SNS connecting real individuals? This API let you find this correlation, based on behavioural patterns user displayed while selecting their usernames and information redundancies. The correlation is found with a classifier trained over a large number of different social network services profiles. More info about how this is done on the website.

Bot Detection

Detect bot among Twitter users. After that find out which account has an important role in spreading information.

Agricultural Outlook Extension Work - A Report of the Discussions of State Representatives Attending the 1929 National Outlook Conference Regarding Plans and Methods to Be Used

Plans for Disseminating Agricultural Outlook Information --- Discussion of How Other Specialists Use Outlook Material --- How to Prepare a State Outlook Report --- Measuring Results of Outlook Work --- Resolutions of State Delegates Regarding National Outlook Conferences.

Tweets 2020 - Administración (España)

Tweets enviados y recibidos por Organismos e Instituciones en 2020

List of individuals for the I by GE matrix 2008

List of the identities of the individuals in the "individual by gathering event matrix 2008". Each entry corresponds to a row in the "individual by gathering event matrix 2008".

Data from: Internet blogs, polar bears, and climate-change denial by proxy

Increasing surface temperatures, Arctic sea-ice loss, and other evidence of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are acknowledged by every major scientific organization in the world. However, there is a wide gap between this broad scientific consensus and public opinion. Internet blogs have strongly contributed to this consensus gap by fomenting misunderstandings of AGW causes and consequences. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have become a “poster species” for AGW, making them a target of those denying AGW evidence. Here, focusing on Arctic sea ice and polar bears, we show that blogs that deny or downplay AGW disregard the overwhelming scientific evidence of Arctic sea-ice loss and polar bear vulnerability. By denying the impacts of AGW on polar bears, bloggers aim to cast doubt on other established ecological consequences of AGW, aggravating the consensus gap. To counter misinformation and reduce this gap, scientists should directly engage the public in the media and blogosphere.

Data from: Audience affects decision-making in a marmoset communication network

An audience can have a profound effect on the dynamics of communicative interactions. As a result, non-human primates often adjust their social decision-making strategies depending on the audience composition at a given time. Here we sought to test how the unique vocal behaviour of multiple audience members affected decisions to communicate. To address this issue, we developed a novel experimental paradigm in which common marmosets directly interacted with multiple ‘virtual monkeys’ (VMs), each of whom represented an individual marmoset with distinct vocal behaviour. This active social signalling paradigm provided subjects an opportunity to interact with and learn about the behaviour of each VM in the network and apply this knowledge in subsequent communicative decisions. We found that subjects' propensity to interact with particular VMs was determined by the behaviour of each VM in the audience and suggests that marmoset social decision-making strategies are highly adaptive to nuances of the immediate communication network.

Phone call network for 2 years in a Euro country

我们使用了 2015 年 1 月至 2016 年 12 月的全国电话呼叫数据集。提供了每个阶段的日志交互持续时间和日志交互频率(中间结果)

Twitter Edge Nodes

Graphical relations between Twitter Users

Geographical units Twitter time series

These data correspond to the results reported in J. Borge-Holthoefer, Nicola Perra, Bruno Gonçalves, Sandra González-Bailón, Alex Arenas, Yamir Moreno and Alessandro Vespignani. The dynamic of information-driven coordination phenomena: a transfer entropy analysis. Science Advances 2(4) e1501158 (2016) doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1501158 (open access) Check the readme.txt file in the tar.gz for further information.

1.6 million Twitter tweets


CRAWDAD dataset copelabs/usense (v. 2017-01-27)

This dataset comprises experiments carried out with the open-source middleware NSense (fomerly named as USense), available at https://github.com/COPELABS-SITI/NSense. The data has been collected based on four sensors: bluetooth; Wi-Fi; microphone; accelerometer. NSense then relies on four different pipelines to compute aspects such as relative distance (Wi-Fi); social strength (based on bluetooth contact duration); sound activity level; motion. We set up experiments making use of Samsung Galaxy S3 devices. For each experiment, there is the following set of data files: - SocialProximity.dat has three columns: Timestamp, DeviceName, Encounter Duration, Average Encounter Duration, Social Strength (Per hour) and Social Strength(Per minute) towards DeviceName - DistanceOutput.dat has three columns: Timestamp, DeviceName, and Distance towards DeviceName - Microphone.dat has two columns: Timestamp, and Soundlevel(QUIET, NORMAL, ALERT and NOISY) - PhysicalActivity.dat has two columns: Timestamp, and Activity as STATIONARY, WALKING and RUNNING There are two tracesets. A first traceset has been collected relying on a first NSense version in 2015. Then, a second traceset has been collected in 2016, with a refined version of NSense. In all tracesets, devices have been carried around by people that share the same affiliation during their individual daily routines (24 hour periods).

Supporting data for: Výpočtová propaganda: konceptuálna diskusia a prehľad (eng. Computational propaganda: a conceptual discussion and review)

Supporting data for a Literature Review. Abstract: Computational propaganda is a relatively new term introduced by P.N. Howard and S. C. Woolley. The term is nowadays being mainly discussed in the context of shaping public opinion during various political events in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, as well as in other countries. This article represents a literature review of computational propaganda using a quantitative research design. In the article we also present the first Slovak definition of computational propaganda as using Information and communication technologies for mass production and mass distribution of misleading information.

Exploring what kind of bots people make and follow in the fediverse.

Understanding and predicting the evolution of competing languages is a topic of high interest in a world with more than 6000 languages competing in a highly connected environment. We consider a reasonable mathematical model describing a situation of competition between two languages and analyze the effect the speakers’ connectivity (i.e. social networks). Surprisingly, instead of homogenizing the system, a high degree of connectivity helps to introduce differentiation for the appropriate parameters.

Data on users' questions, answers, and recommendations (posting opinions) on knowledge search sites. Social networks can be established based on actions such as questions, answers, and recommendations from users, and can be used as data to analyze the constructed social network structure and calculate users' expertise and influence.

Social Relation Dataset 是用于从人脸图像进行社会关系特征预测的数据集。特质基于基斯勒提出的人际关系圈,其中人际关系分为16个部分。每个部分在圆圈中都有其相反的一面,例如“友好和敌对”。该数据集包含从互联网和电影中选择的 8,306 张图像。每个图像都标有人脸的边界框及其成对关系。


Understanding and predicting the evolution of competing languages is a topic of high interest in a world with more than 6000 languages competing in a highly connected environment. We consider a reasonable mathematical model describing a situation of competition between two languages and analyse the effect of the speakers' connectivity (i.e. social networks). Surprisingly, instead of homogenizing the system, a high degree of connectivity helps to introduce differentiation for the appropriate parameters.

Induced sub-graphs of Twitter's user-graph with users' locations

Online social networks profile matcher helps you identify an individual through different social networks. Is there a correlation between usernames on different SNS connecting real individuals? This API let you find this correlation, based on behavioural patterns user displayed while selecting their usernames and information redundancies. The correlation is found with a classifier trained over a large number of different social network services profiles. More info about how this is done on the website.

Detect bot among Twitter users. After that find out which account has an important role in spreading information.

Plans for Disseminating Agricultural Outlook Information --- Discussion of How Other Specialists Use Outlook Material --- How to Prepare a State Outlook Report --- Measuring Results of Outlook Work --- Resolutions of State Delegates Regarding National Outlook Conferences.

Tweets enviados y recibidos por Organismos e Instituciones en 2020

List of the identities of the individuals in the "individual by gathering event matrix 2008". Each entry corresponds to a row in the "individual by gathering event matrix 2008".

Increasing surface temperatures, Arctic sea-ice loss, and other evidence of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are acknowledged by every major scientific organization in the world. However, there is a wide gap between this broad scientific consensus and public opinion. Internet blogs have strongly contributed to this consensus gap by fomenting misunderstandings of AGW causes and consequences. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have become a “poster species” for AGW, making them a target of those denying AGW evidence. Here, focusing on Arctic sea ice and polar bears, we show that blogs that deny or downplay AGW disregard the overwhelming scientific evidence of Arctic sea-ice loss and polar bear vulnerability. By denying the impacts of AGW on polar bears, bloggers aim to cast doubt on other established ecological consequences of AGW, aggravating the consensus gap. To counter misinformation and reduce this gap, scientists should directly engage the public in the media and blogosphere.

An audience can have a profound effect on the dynamics of communicative interactions. As a result, non-human primates often adjust their social decision-making strategies depending on the audience composition at a given time. Here we sought to test how the unique vocal behaviour of multiple audience members affected decisions to communicate. To address this issue, we developed a novel experimental paradigm in which common marmosets directly interacted with multiple ‘virtual monkeys’ (VMs), each of whom represented an individual marmoset with distinct vocal behaviour. This active social signalling paradigm provided subjects an opportunity to interact with and learn about the behaviour of each VM in the network and apply this knowledge in subsequent communicative decisions. We found that subjects' propensity to interact with particular VMs was determined by the behaviour of each VM in the audience and suggests that marmoset social decision-making strategies are highly adaptive to nuances of the immediate communication network.

我们使用了 2015 年 1 月至 2016 年 12 月的全国电话呼叫数据集。提供了每个阶段的日志交互持续时间和日志交互频率(中间结果)

Graphical relations between Twitter Users

These data correspond to the results reported in J. Borge-Holthoefer, Nicola Perra, Bruno Gonçalves, Sandra González-Bailón, Alex Arenas, Yamir Moreno and Alessandro Vespignani. The dynamic of information-driven coordination phenomena: a transfer entropy analysis. Science Advances 2(4) e1501158 (2016) doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1501158 (open access) Check the readme.txt file in the tar.gz for further information.


This dataset comprises experiments carried out with the open-source middleware NSense (fomerly named as USense), available at https://github.com/COPELABS-SITI/NSense. The data has been collected based on four sensors: bluetooth; Wi-Fi; microphone; accelerometer. NSense then relies on four different pipelines to compute aspects such as relative distance (Wi-Fi); social strength (based on bluetooth contact duration); sound activity level; motion. We set up experiments making use of Samsung Galaxy S3 devices. For each experiment, there is the following set of data files: - SocialProximity.dat has three columns: Timestamp, DeviceName, Encounter Duration, Average Encounter Duration, Social Strength (Per hour) and Social Strength(Per minute) towards DeviceName - DistanceOutput.dat has three columns: Timestamp, DeviceName, and Distance towards DeviceName - Microphone.dat has two columns: Timestamp, and Soundlevel(QUIET, NORMAL, ALERT and NOISY) - PhysicalActivity.dat has two columns: Timestamp, and Activity as STATIONARY, WALKING and RUNNING There are two tracesets. A first traceset has been collected relying on a first NSense version in 2015. Then, a second traceset has been collected in 2016, with a refined version of NSense. In all tracesets, devices have been carried around by people that share the same affiliation during their individual daily routines (24 hour periods).

Supporting data for a Literature Review. Abstract: Computational propaganda is a relatively new term introduced by P.N. Howard and S. C. Woolley. The term is nowadays being mainly discussed in the context of shaping public opinion during various political events in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, as well as in other countries. This article represents a literature review of computational propaganda using a quantitative research design. In the article we also present the first Slovak definition of computational propaganda as using Information and communication technologies for mass production and mass distribution of misleading information.


网址:WeChatNet https://mxgxt.com/news/view/211446
