嘉麟樓 (尖沙咀)

北京片皮鴨 桂花燒乳鴿 蜜汁叉燒酥 鮑魚雞粒芋角
【虎年開飯】新年豪華食! 米芝蓮/酒店級盆菜精選 2022-01-26 2022及歷屆米芝蓮香港澳門指南完全版 2022-01-19 2021及歷屆米芝蓮香港澳門指南完全版 2021-01-27 2020及歷屆米芝蓮香港澳門指南完全版 2019-12-17 全城減鹽減糖!三間少鹽少糖中菜館菜式推介 2019-09-20 2019及歷屆米芝蓮香港澳門指南完全版 2018-12-11 早訂早享受 米芝蓮星級餐廳推介! 2017-12-06 2018及歷屆米芝蓮香港澳門指南完全版 2017-11-30 【香港米芝蓮】新摘星餐廳逐一睇 2016-11-09 2017及歷屆米芝蓮香港澳門指南完全版 2016-11-09 德几聖誕帶您去飲茶?! 2000-12-23筆者的原生家庭尤其重視節日聚餐,飯桌上的佳餚美酒除了可以維持生理健康,也是增進彼此感情、經營親密關係的基礎,每一口盡是情感記憶的滋味。今年的中秋飯聚安排在位於半島酒店的《米芝蓮》星級食府「嘉麟樓」。榮獲《黑珍珠餐廳指南 2024》《米芝蓮指南香港澳門2023 一星評級》的「嘉麟樓」由富各地飲食文化經驗行政總廚的林鈺明師傅坐鎮,以一流粵菜佳餚及點心見稱,既尊崇彌足珍貴、傳統的烹飪技藝,亦關切現代飲食文化變遷,為菜式注入新創意靈魂,成為中外客人津津樂道的粵菜傳奇。環境:✨餐廳裝潢設計以20年代老上海風情為藍圖,多採用柚木傢俬,與東方色彩地氈交織,配合堂皇的寬闊樓梯、水晶吊燈、屏風、彩色琉璃、特色拼圖牆、等形成和諧的調性,設計奢華卻不落俗套,營造出富涵人文氣質的現代迷人氛圍,適合商務酬酢或親友相聚。✨另一亮點絕對是古雅精緻的茗茶櫃台 — 存放超過25款中國茗茶、超過200個精緻中國紫砂茶壺。服務:✨職員表現專業和敬業,態度很友善,常面帶笑容。上菜速度亦見貼心,會照顧客人的用餐速度,用餐時間非常充足。✨獲國家茶藝師證書課程認可的茶藝師更會為客人設計各式茗茶配搭,讓用餐體驗加添一抹獨特淳厚的漫馥韻味,以四季蒔栽締造五感瀞調。食物: 廚師拼盤✨XO 醬小米脆南瓜:香甜粉糯的南瓜被裹起脆米和酥炸,伴以採用辣椒、元貝、蝦米和香料作獨家秘方的招牌自家製新鮮XO醬。✨潮式粉皮象拔蚌:涼拌小吃,酸口爽彈。✨四川麻辣日本黑豆腐:驟眼看以為是芝麻布甸富豆香的滑嫩豆腐,綴以四川麻辣醬提味。冷泡福鼎茉莉龍珠:產自福建省福鼎市,精緻的茶葉嫩芽被小心翼翼地捲成珍珠大小,再烘以茉莉芳香。茶湯淨綠黃明亮,幽香迷人。 松茸燉水中花✨作為一名「湯怪」,且平日生活繁忙,好需要湯水滋潤身心。金燦燦的顏色非常誘人,含豐富營養、有抗衰老及強身健體功用的的松茸,搭配展示超狂刀功的精雕菊花豆腐,既滋補養身,又賞心悅目,好適合繁忙的都市人! 風味藜麥脆香銀鱈魚✨魚身軟嫩帶油脂香,藜麥部分為其增添香脆口感,旁邊放有一尾寓意財富與幸福的可愛金魚餃,「魚」意吉祥,節日好意頭!台灣阿里山高山茶:葉片肥厚,色澤翠綠,甘潤醇厚,好喝! 黑魚籽酥炸花膠✨第一次吃經酥炸的花膠!外脆內煙韌的口感浸淫在濃鬱的雞湯中,頂上滲出海洋氣息的黑魚籽,相當過癮! 官燕釀青瓜花✨質地柔軟香甜的南瓜上頂着釀入滋補養顏燕窩的青瓜花,交織成一朵綻放的鮮花,整體清怡開胃,讓人耳目⼀新。 八寶王子鴿✨早於三十年代初,八寶鴨已成為本地馳名中外的宴會名菜,深受大家庭歡迎,是歡慶傳統節日常有的老少咸宜佳餚。✨嘉麟樓取其概念,改用45日大的王子鴿,並填滿花膠、海參、花菇、燕窩等材料,再加以醃味、炸香及燴汁,口感味道層次突出鮮明。 砂鍋嘉麟樓極品炒飯✨加入真材實料的櫻花蝦、飯、醬料等等,飯粒軟硬適中,粒粒分明,色香味俱全。 黑糖雜果冰粉✨原個椰子殼內盡是可消暑解膩的黑糖冰粉,面層鋪有新鮮雜果,以金箔點綴,更顯貴氣。 經典奶皇月餅、麻蓉麻糬月餅✨壓軸出場的當然是月餅!金黃酥鬆的餅皮,如絲般幼滑且口感細膩的內餡,互相輝映,大滿足! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
recently visited Spring Moon and tried the fried rice, which was fantastic! the first thing that hit me was the vibrant colors—the fluffy grains of rice, speckled with bright green peas and diced carrots. the texture was perfect-- crispy on the outside and fluffy inside. each grain is distinct, perfectly cooked, and not overly sticky. the vegetables add a satisfying crunch.the other dishes were just okay, but the standout was definitely the fried rice. on a positive note, the service was excellent--friendly and attentive. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
早前參與了嘉麟樓的點心製作班,當了兩位師傅30分鐘入室弟子,又真係好耐無試過,是一個難得的體驗。趁成品“金魚餃”入蒸爐之際,同大家享受了一頓愜意的午餐。餐廳是一貫的沉實典雅,散發出具年月的感覺。先來三款餐前小食,XO醬小米脆南瓜甜美軟糯,沾上了脆米令口感更添層次,置面的自家製XO醬,帶來微微辛勁,非常可口。而潮式粉皮象拔蚌則伴上青瓜片,象拔蚌爽口彈牙而粉皮滑溜,兩種不同口感卻又沒有違和感。前菜中最喜歡的是四川麻辣日本黑豆腐,雖然平實不顯眼,但自家製豆腐有著濃郁的豆香,麻辣的感覺又挑起了食慾,作為前菜一流。此刻送上了名物冷泡福鼎茉莉龍珠,茶葉經24小時冷泡,色澤淡雅,冰涼透心,毫無丹寧的苦澀味,係室外三十幾度高溫下能喝上一杯,暑氣盡消,真滿足。湯品是賣相一絕的松茸燉水中花,刀功細膩,把豆腐橫直切割,放在高湯中徐徐散開,望落苑如一朶繡球,美極了,加入松茸令湯水散發出陣陣幽香。而風味藜麥脆香銀鱈魚是看得出的心思,先把銀鱈魚皮煎得香脆,與藜麥同吃,口感充滿了層次,塗上了櫻花蝦醬,令魚味更出眾,伴碟的金魚餃當然是有金箔的矜貴版,同是魚,卻是不同口味,很有趣的組合。臨時加插了八寳王子鴿,材料勁豐富,除了原隻鴿子之外,更有鮑魚、花膠、海參及瑤柱,扣得軟稔人味,肉汁與海鮮汁的融和,用來拌白飯最好不過。再來是黑魚籽酥炸花膠,蘸上脆漿的淡水魚花膠,外脆內軟,炸得啱啱好,沾上濃雞汁,味道更鮮,中間的茄子同樣包裹了一層輕輕的脆漿,好味。論貴氣,官燕釀青瓜花可算上一個,青瓜花帶有南瓜的味道,所以配上了南瓜汁,拌和了燕窩一齊食,更有甜美的效果。押上店名的砂鍋嘉麟樓極品炒飯果然有料到,飯粒乾身有嚼口,材料有新鮮蟹肉、蝦仁、瑤柱、櫻花蝦及帶子粒,雖然材料豐富,但難得每口都吃得出食材的味道及層次,水準極高,難怪可以押上嘉麟樓的名號。甜品亦是不落俗套的黑糖雜果冰粉,甜度輕盈自然又健康,所謂雜果,其實全是新鮮水果,草莓、芒果粒及蜜瓜粒,透明的冰粉滑溜到一個點,美妙的壓軸。其實好快就到中秋節,嘉麟樓的經典奶黃月餅及麻蓉麻糬月餅是每年城中必搶的自用或送禮佳品,今次可以率先試試,果然奶香豐盈,麻糬軟糯,超正,看來要預先訂下幾盒了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This Michelin 1-star Cantonese restaurant is located in The Peninsula Hong Kong. Being the Chinese dining anchor of this prestigious hotel, it is already a guarantee of quality. We have come here a few times before, every time to great satisfaction. Tonight, we arrive at 6:30 sharp, with a lot of anticipation of what great dishes and dining experience is in store for us.Coming up to the first floor, from its entrance one can immediately associate back to the tea house of 50/60s, with the hanging fan, plenty of beautiful porcelain, wooden floor, and the red carpet with traditional patterns. Seated at a table at the back, looking up the mezzanine floor got me thinking what does dining on that floor feels like, looking at other customers downstairs.While enjoying a glass of the house champagne, the sommelier introduces us to a Spanish winery, Comando G, in Sierra de Gredos, not far from Madrid. Las Umbrias 2021 ($3,800) is their single vineyard old vine Grenache, with a wonderfully delicate and floral aromas, but packed with a good tannin and acidity, showing rich red fruit and minerality. A good match with the food as well.We order Smoked Barbecued Hungarian Mangalica Pork with Honey ($478) to start. The pork comes from a special breed in Hungary, a prized domestic pig with thick curly hairs. The BBQ pork has been roasted perfectly, very tender and flavourful, with a nice char, and the honey glazed not too sweet. We also like the braised soy beans, a traditional side dish that virtually disappeared nowadays.Next, we have Deep-Fried Crab Shell Stuffed with Crab Meat and Onions ($280 each). Instead of baking in oven, the chef has deep-fried the stuffed crab shell, with a thin crust of beautiful golden colour, but without any oily feeling. The stuffing is mostly crab meat, with only small amount of onion, unlike many other restaurants which got so many other fillings you feel being cheated. Then comes Wok-Seared Lobster and Scallop with XO Sauce ($1,028). This dish highlights the quality of the ingredients and the chef’s cooking skill. The lobster and scallop are both cooked impeccably, without a hint of under or over, with their original flavours showcase to the maximum. The sweet snap peas are also great in taste, tender and without any fibre. Amazing.The last dish we have is Braised Eggplant with Sea Cucumber, Salted Fish and Broad Bean Chili Sauce in Clay Pot ($448). Served in a sizzling pot, the texture of eggplant is perfect, not too soft or hard. The sea cucumber has a good crunchy to contrast nicely with the eggplant. The taste is good, but I hope a bit more salted fish can be used to dial up the savoury flavours. Intending to order dessert, the manager instead provided a complimentary Chilled Mango Pudding. The signature dessert has plenty of mango chunks on top of a soft and rich pudding, with also some strawberries to add to the presentation and flavours. The pudding is not too sweet, just the perfect degree to reward the palate without making one feel guilty from a health perspective.There is also a Petits Fours including Cashew Nut and Lotus Paste Puff and Watermelon Cake. The former has a crumbling buttery crust with delicious lotus root paste, not too sweet, with a piece of cashew nut on top. The other is an appealing layer cake, with the three colours of red, white and green resembling a slice of watermelon. A fantastic finale to the wonderful meal.The bill on the night is $7,051. Service is very good, with the staff all friendly and attentive, however I hope they can provide more detailed introductions to the dishes as that will help the diners to understand and appreciate the food much better. But in terms of overall experience, it is still one of the best Cantonese restaurants in town. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Came to spring moon on a Sunday night with our family of 4! We had a great experience along with really good authentic Cantonese cuisine! Price wise, we paid $1200/head and it was definitely worth indulging in! We ordered the char siu, it was melt in the mouth! The marinate was flavourful and the charred edges made it that much more delicious! Peking Duck had a great crispy skin, second dish was fried with aromatic dressing. Soy chicken was very tender and juicy. It tasted very authentic Cantonese cuisine with a delicious sauce. My favourite dish was the fish wonton soup, the surprise is the fish was filled, the great craftsmanship of the chef can been seen in this dish! We ordered a whole lot more food, all of which was above and beyond our expectations! Staff was extremely polite! Will definitely come back again to this iconic Cantonese restaurant! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
网址:嘉麟樓 (尖沙咀) https://mxgxt.com/news/view/397622
澳门“新赌王”吕志和亮相尖沙咀,与孙颖莎、全红婵、潘展乐依次握手@陳偉andy香港 ...
郑伊健蒙嘉慧情侣档赚钱 十指紧扣逛街购物