中国与RHIC-STAR的国际合作;outline;Chinese RHIC-STAR Group -- History and present organization;US-China Collaboration on STAR/ RHIC;Major Milestones of STAR-China TOF Project;MRPC TOF Barrel RD;Completed Prototype 28 module MRPC TOF Tray installed in STAR Oct. ‘ 02 in place of existing central trigger barrel tray;batch production;Project Leader: Yu-Gang Ma (SINAP) Deputy Leaders: Hongfang Chen (USTC) Jian-Ping Cheng (Tsinghua) Liaison person: Huanzhong Huang (UCLA) Studies of the strong interaction matter at high temperature/density and searching for QGP (Yu-Gang Ma, SINAP) (SINAP, CCNU, USTC, Tsinghua etc.) focus on the collective dynamics of rare particles, heavy quark production, hadronic evolution dynamics and search for multi-quark state particles Design and Mass production of MRPC modules for STAR-TOF (Jian-Ping Cheng, Tsinghua) (Tsinghua, USTC) 3840 MRPC for 120 tray, additional 6 tray (70% Tsinghua/30% USTC) Quality control and calibration for STAR-TOF (Xiao-Lian Wang, USTC) (USTC, Tsinghua);The Proposal of RHIC-STAR Full TOF Construction;STAR TOFr and Physics Results TOF prototype: 1/120 coverage of Barrel STAR;PID ;Preliminary pion spectra till high pT;2005/6/28-29;Electron identification;2005/6/28-29;;RAuAu and RdAu of f;Preliminary results v2;;Organizing International workshop;Talk @ Int. Conference;Our excellent students;Physics with the full coverage of TOF;STAR TPC + TOF (MC);STAR TPC + TOF;STAR TPC + TOF;TOF and ? Hyperon;Chinese interests;;;Time scale of resonance state;Discoveries from Unexpected Areas?!;Search for multi-quark state particles;Conclusion;;Recall Shanghai TOF meeting for Discussion of NSFC proposal draft, Jan 2003 ;别有洞天 We have a new scenery !;Traditional Cronin Effect is not the whole story at RHIC;PID dependent Cronin effect;;Bottom: Ratios of the inclusive electrons over the total back-grounds. signal excesses are visible with pT 1 GeV/c.;Rcp of f for different collisio
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