2009020123 张敏 影视明星危机公关.doc
保密类别编 号院(系)别 文化管理学院 专 业 文化产业管理 班 级 旅游产业管理 姓 名 张敏 学 号 20090420123 指导教师 肖春晔 中国传媒大学南广学院 2012年月日随着我国经济的,传媒事业的发展,明星成为我国社会经济活动中一支活跃的强大力量。他们不仅仅创造了优异的运动成绩也创造了丰富的社会价值和经济价值。然而,明星在生活训练以及参与社会经济活动的过程中,不可避免的出现了各种各样的问题。公关危机是影响明星发展较为严重的一种。本由于很高的社会关注度,以及信息传播技术的飞速发展,公关危机事件的发生变得越来越不可避免。危机一旦发生,的职业生涯、经济效益的产出以及不良的社会影响都会遭到巨大的破坏。不仅影响明星个人的前途,更是对社会成本的极大浪费。因此对于影视明星危机公关的研究十分重要而且迫在眉睫。ABSTRACT As our country’s prosperity of economy and the development of the media, stars become an energetic powerful force in our social and economic activities. They create the excellent performance, but also they achieve the rich social and economic value. However, in the process of training and economic activities in social, there are all kinds of problems unavoidably. Therefore, crisis public relation is an important aspect of the film star public relations management. By responsible and effective crisis management, the public will have a deeper understanding and greater recognition of the star, a good social impression will stand out. If the star didn’t correctly handle the crisis event, it will bring to their development a very adverse influence. The public relations crisis is affecting the film stars the more serious one. The rapid development of public relations crisis events become more and more inevitable with this high degree of social concern, as well as information and communication technologies,. Once the crisis occurs, the stars career, the output of the economic benefits and the negative social impact will be met with great destruction. Affects not only the personal future of film and television star, is a great waste of the social costs. Therefore, crisis public relations for film and television stars is very important and urgent. Keywords: public person;crisis public relation;crisis management;目 录 摘 要1 ABSTRACT2 目 录1 绪 论1 一、危机背景2 二、危机公关概况3 (一)危机公关的相关知识3 1.危机公关的含义3 2.危机公关的特征3 3.危机公关的主要类型3 (二)危机公关产生的原因4 三、危机公关处理意义4 四、影视明星危机公关处理方式的
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