老佛爷卡尔拉格斐去世 刘雯、周迅等明星纷纷悼念!

发布时间:2025-01-08 01:56


  著名音乐人物埃尔顿约翰(Elton John)写道:“你是多么有天赋的人啊,你对生活也充满了很多的兴趣,你是一个美妙的人物。”维多利亚(Victoria Beckham)表示:“我在听到这件事的时候是感觉让人难以置信的。你是一个天才,无论在生活中还是职业中,你对我总是那么的善良和慷慨。”卡戴珊家族长女克里斯詹娜(Kris Jenner)撰文:“你给这个世界带来了如此多的美丽,时尚和优雅。你将永远是一个传奇人物,一个偶像,一个灵感。认识你并与你一起工作让我感到兴奋和愉快。我生命中永远都不会有像你这样亲爱的朋友了,你将会被大家真正的怀念。”名模吉吉哈迪德(Gigi Hadid)也在Ins上写道:“我太伤心了,我已经几乎没有任何话要说了,再也不会有这样的一个你了。和你在一起的每一秒钟都是一种荣誉,喜悦和灵感。我多么希望我能再拥抱你一次。我爱你,谢谢你做的一切。”

  中国明星刘雯:“依然记得2008年第一次穿上他设计衣服时的那份激动。如一颗流星,卡尔留给了我们一个美好的时代!每个人都会老去,时尚却不会老! ”周迅“与Karl先生有幸工作十数年,敬佩先生的专业与付出。生命有限,唯美永恒。走好。”

  PARIS — Karl Lagerfeld once created a Walmart-sized "Chanel Shopping Center" to show off his ready-to-wear collection. It featured aisle upon aisle of luxury foods labeled "one for the price of two." Immediately after models had paraded through the aisles, guests raided the shelves. Rihanna posed in a shopping cart, and Keira Knightley looked on amazed.

  "Luxury should be worn like you're going to the supermarket. It's the pop art of the 21st century," Lagerfeld said, his eyes barely visible behind his enigmatic shades.

  The show was the type of presentation that came to define much of Lagerfeld's six-decade career at the top of fashion.

  When Chanel fell into decline following Coco Chanel's death in the 1970s, its new owners looked for a larger-than-life designer to wake up the house from its creative coma. The German-born Lagerfeld, a contemporary of Yves Saint Laurent with a strict ponytail and tight collar, was just the man.

  As Chanel creative director from 1983 until his death on Tuesday, he quickly transformed the house into a billion-dollar industry leader, a position it retains today.

  Lagerfeld, who had been poached from Chloe, used his creative scalpel to modernize the house's signature skirt suits and tweed in the '80s as the house expanded internationally, opening some 40 boutiques around the world in that decade.

  His work ethic was legendary. Beyond Chanel, he also began working with Italian fashion house Fendi in 1965 and held the top job at the LVMH-owned brand since 1977.

网址:老佛爷卡尔拉格斐去世 刘雯、周迅等明星纷纷悼念! https://mxgxt.com/news/view/689956


时装界的凯撒大帝 老佛爷卡尔去世 周迅刘雯宋茜等明星发文悼念
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时尚届老佛爷卡尔拉格斐 价值10亿的遗产由宠物猫继承
