Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research
07 27,2022
Qingyang Hu Received the Alvin Van Valkenburg Award
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12 14,2021
Dr. Duckyoung Kim, a staff scientist of HPSTAR was awarded the 2021 “Tianhe_sqlquote_s award” for the outstanding work on superionic iron oxide-hydroxide (FeO2H) in Earth’s deep mantle. This award is given by National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou, annually to the teams who did the most excellent work of great importance to the science, engineering, and society using"Tianhe"supercomputer.
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11 12,2021
Science, Nature两刊今日同步发表三篇文章报道下地幔重要矿物"Davemaoite"(“毛钙硅石”)— CaSiO3-perovskite 的地质发现
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10 30,2021
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12 21,2020
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11 11,2020
近日,北京高压科学研究中心缑慧阳研究员(洪堡学者)课题组博士后唐虎博士获得2020年“德国洪堡研究基金”资助(Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers),将于2021年赴德国与拜罗伊特大学BGI研究Tomoo Katsura教授开展研究合作。
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11 04,2020
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09 28,2020
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11 25,2019
Jin Liu, a geoscientist at the Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR), has been selected as the recipient of the 2020 MSA Award — a top award from the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), as well as a Life Fellow of the Society. The medal is given annually to just one person who has outstanding published contributions to the science of mineralogy by relatively young individuals or those near the beginning of their professional careers.
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11 12,2019
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09 24,2019
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08 12,2019
2019年8月4日至9日,第27届国际高压科学技术大会(The International Conference on High Pressure Science & Technology,简称“AIRAPT”)在巴西举办,来自中国、美国、法国、德国、日本等24个国家的专家学者出席本次大会。大会由国际高压科学技术促进会(www.airapt.org)自1965年发起组织,每两年举办一届,是全球范围内高压科学技术领域规模最大、影响最广的系列学术盛会。大会颁布了2019 AIRAPT Jamieson Award奖,北京高压科学研究中心刘锦研究员获得此殊荣,用于表彰其在地球深部水与新型铁氧化合物等方面做出的杰出成果。
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01 28,2019
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05 10,2018
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03 16,2018
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10 23,2017
The international magazine, Superconductor Week, just highlighted the recent work of Feng Ke et al. on In2Se3 [Douglas Neumann, Superconductor Week, Vol. 31, No. 8, 8-10 (2017)]. The news title is "HPSTAR Team Sees SC Enhancement with Decompression".
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09 28,2017
Dr. Qingyang Hu's recently published JACS paper was selected to be featured in JACS Spotlights "Tracking Hydrogen Deep in the Earth’s Mantle".
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09 19,2017
On Sept. 9, HPSTAR director, Dr. Ho-Kwang Mao met with Prof. Heping Xie, President of Sichuan University at Wangjiang Campus. Lin Haiqing, Director of Beijing Research Center of Computing Science, Vice President Liang Bin as well as other related personnel of the SCU participated in the meeting.
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09 04,2017
HPSTAR's joint PhD student Fei Zhang received Excellent Poster Award at the 26th AIRAPT international conference on on high pressure science and technology in Beijing.
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08 16,2017
Dr. Li Zhang, staff scientist of HPSTAR won the 2017 Shen-su Sun Award at the 2017 Goldschmidt international coference. The Shen-su Sun Award is to recognize exceptional geoscientists younger than 40 years, who work in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in commemoration of late Dr. Shen-su Sun for his pioneering and tremendous contributions to the geochemistry of the solid Earth and mantle dynamics, and for his unselfish and boundless mentorship to younger generations of scientists in the field of Geochemistry. This Award is presented by the Shen-Su Sun Foundation.
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05 22,2017
HPSTAR postdoctoral fellow PHILIP DALLADAY-SIMPSON will be given the prestigious Jamieson Award from the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology. The Jamieson Award is “bestowed to an early-career scientist who has just completed outstanding PhD thesis research or given a single exceptional contribution in the field of high-pressure research as a postdoc.” This medal is given biannually to just one person. The winner will be recognized as the single brightest young star during the two-year period by the highest authoritative high-pressure society.
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01 26,2017
On January 20, visiting foreign scientists Eugene Gregoryanz and Alex Goncharov of HPSTAR, were invited to the Great Hall of Peoples to meet Premier Li Keqiang.
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11 01,2016
Invited by HPSTAR scientist Dr. Wenge Yang, Prof. Daniil Khomskii of II.Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany, visited HPSTAR on Nov.1, 2016.
Prof. Daniil Khomskii delivered a talk about high-pressure strongly correlated systems with strongly correlated electrons display astonishing variety of properties, which in addition can be strongly modified by external factors such as change of composition, temperature etc.
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09 27,2016
The IUCr is an International Scientific Union. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of crystallographic research, to facilitate standardization of methods, units, nomenclatures and symbols, and to form a focus for the relations of crystallography to other sciences.
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网址:HPSTAR https://mxgxt.com/news/view/652250