基于敦煌沙漠、绿洲和戈壁典型地表的20 m高同步梯度气象观测资料,对比分析其风动力环境特征参数,为敦煌绿洲生态治理和外围风沙综合防治提供理论依据和技术支撑。结果表明:3种典型地表的年输沙势存在明显差异,戈壁输沙势(DP)为754.2 VU,合成输沙势(RDP)为582.99 VU,合成输沙方向(RDD)为220.88°;绿洲DP为21.95 VU,RDP为7.67 VU,RDD为259.53°;沙漠输沙势介于二者之间,为92.49 VU,RDP为19.29 VU,RDD为16.79°。3种地表的季节输沙势均为春季最大,戈壁为268.2 VU,绿洲为10.97 VU,沙漠为44.08 VU。戈壁主导风向为东北方向,沙漠主导风向为偏东、偏南和偏西方向,绿洲主导风向为东和偏西方向。结合区域沙源分布情况,在绿洲南缘和鸣沙山北侧交界处应加强风沙防治,阻止鸣沙山向绿洲推进。
关键词: 敦煌绿洲, 起沙风, 输沙势, 风速廓线, 摩阻速度
Based on the synchronous gradient meteorological observation data at 20 m height of three typical landscapes desert, oasis and gobi in Dunhuang, this study compared the wind dynamic environment characteristic parameters, which provides theoretical basis and technical support for ecological management of Dunhuang oasis and comprehensive prevention and control of peripheral sandstorm. The results show that the annual drift potential of the three typical landscapes is significantly different. The gobi’s drift potential (DP), resultant drift potential (RDP) and resultant drift direction (RDD) are 754.2 VU, 582.99 VU, 220.88°, respectively. The DP of oasis is 21.95 VU, RDP is 7.67 VU, and RDD is 259.53°. The desert’s drift potential is between them, which is 92.49 VU. And the RDP of desert is 19.29 VU, RDD is 16.79°. The spring drift potential is largest in all three typical landscapes, which in gobi, oasis and desert are 268.2 VU, 10.97 VU, and 44.08 VU, respectively. The dominant wind direction in gobi is northeast, but it is variable in desert, mainly east, south and west, and in oasis is east and west. Considering the distribution of regional sand sources, it is known that prevention and control should be strengthened at the junction between the southern edge of the oasis and the northern side of the Singing Sand Mountain to prevent the advancing of the Singing Sand Mountain to the oasis.
Key words: Dunhuang oasis, sand-blowing wind, drift potential, wind velocity profile, friction velocity
网址:敦煌沙漠、绿洲和戈壁地表风动力环境特征同步对比 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/640897
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