【涨知识!中华白海豚原来是香港回归“吉祥物”】粤港澳大湾区是中华白海豚的栖息地,但对大湾区明珠香港来说,他们与白海豚的缘分远不止于此。27年前为了庆祝香港回归祖国,中华白海豚从众多备选中脱颖而出,当选“回归吉祥物”。来听设计师韩秉华讲述这一特殊缘分背后的故事。Chinese white dolphins, a common sight in the waters of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, hold a special place in the hearts of the Hong Kong residents. The majestic creatures inspired the mascot for celebrations surrounding the city's return to China in 1997. Graphic artist Han Binghua shares the story behind the mascot's ingenious design and how the precious dolphin will forever be connected with this historic moment. CGTN的微博视频