陈  耀教授

发布时间:2024-12-30 22:04

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(4.1) 中国科学报 2012.5.16:寻找空间粒子加速的推手

(4.2) 中国科学报 2012.5.18:太阳上空飘扬的彩带

(4.3) 山东大学网站 2012.6.28:山东大学空间物理研究取得重要进展


Prof. Dr.YaoCHEN

School of Space Science and Physics

Shandong University at Weihai

Weihai, Shandong, China 264209

Tel: +86-631-5673638

Fax: +86-631-5673638

Mobile: 13863071803

Email:[email protected]

Researcher ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-7255-2011

Research Interests

Physics of solar eruptions, physics of the solar corona and solar wind, solar-terrestrial space weather science

Educational Background


Predoctoral Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)


Ph.D. in Solar-Terrestrial Space Physics, Univ. Sci. & Technol. Of China (USTC)


B. S. in Solar-Terrestrial Space Physics, USTC

Employment History


Professor, School of Space Science and Physics,

Shandong Univ. at Weihai


Visiting Scientist, SSP Division, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA


Associate Professor, School of Earth and Space Science, USTC

Teaching Experience

Introduction to Plasma Physics (2007-2012)

Introduction to Solar-Terrestrial Physics (2005, 2006)

Professional Societies

Regular member: AGU, AAS, COSPAR, AOGS

Committee Member for Space Weather Science, Chinese Geophysical Society (2007 - ), Committee Member of AGU-CIP (Committee on International Participation)


2012 Excellent Teacher Award, Baogang Education Foundation

2012 Excellent Teacher Award, Shandong University

2012 Fu Min Xing Lu Labour Award, Shandong Province

2008 Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth systems Science, SPA/AGU

2008 Supported by NNSFC for Outstanding Young Scientists Program

2008 Youth Award in Science and Technology, Shandong Province

2006 Elected in Program for New Century Excellent Talentsin

Universities, Ministry of Education of China

2006 Young Faculty Career Award, USTC Alumni Foundation

2006 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of China

2005 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, CAS

2001 QiuShi Scholarship for Graduate Students

2000 Award in Memory of C.C.Cheng, Beijing Astronomical Obs.


1. Zhao Wu,Yao Chen, Gang Li, Y. Liu, R. W. Ebert, M. I. Desai, G. M. Mason, L. Zhao, F.Guo, C. L. Tang,Observation and modeling of a CIR pair event,ApJ, 2013, submitted.

2. GuipingRuan, Yao Chen (Corr.Autho.),ShuoWang,HongqiZhang, Gang Li,JuJing, Xing Li,HairongXu,HaimingWang,A solar eruption driven by rapid sunspot rotation,ApJL, 2013, submitted.

3. Yao Chen,GuohuiDu, et al., A solar type II radio burst from CME-streamer interaction: simultaneous radio and EUVimagings,ApJ, 2013, to be submitted.


4. Xiang Liang Kong, Gang Li, andYao Chen,A statistical study on spectral hardening in gamma-ray solar flares,ApJ, 774:140 (8pp), 2013.

5. Hong-qiangSong,Yao Chen (Corr. Auth.), D. D.Ye, G. Q. HAN, G. H. Du, G. Li, J. Zhang, Q.Hu,A study on fastflarelessCMEs,ApJ, 773: 129, 2013

6. Gang Li, X. L. Kong, G.Zank,Yao Chen,On the spectral hardening at > 300keVin solar flares,ApJL, 769:22, 2013.

7. C. L.Shen, Gang Li, X, L. Kong, J.Hu, X. D. Sun, L. Ding,Y. Chen, Y. M. Wang,Compound twin coronal mass ejections in the 2012 May 17 GLE event,the Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 763:114 (8pp), 2013 February 1.

8. Yao Chen,AReview of Recent Studies on Coronal Dynamics: Streamers, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Their Interactions, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013 (invited review),doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-5669-6.

9. S. W.Feng,Y. Chen (Corr. Auth.), X.L. Kong, Gang Li, H.Q. Song, X. S.Feng, & F.Guo,Diagnostics on the source properties of type II radio burst with spectral bumps, the Astrophysical Journal, 767:29, 2013.


10. S.W.Feng,Y. Chen(Corr. Auth.), X.L. Kong, G. Li, H.Q. Song, X. S.Feng, & Ying Liu,Radio signatures of CME-streamer interactions and source diagnostics of Type-II radio bursts, the Astrophysical Journal, 753: 21, 2012.

11. X. L. Kong,Y. Chen(Corr. Auth.), G. Li, S. W.Feng, H. Q. Song, F.Guoand F. R. Jiao,A Broken Solar Type II Radio Burst Induced by a Coronal Shock Propagating across the Streamer Boundary, the Astrophysical Journal, 750, 158 (7pp), 2012.



12. Hong-QiangSong, Xiang-Liang Kong,Yao Chen (Corr. Auth.), Bo Li, Gang Li, Shi-WeiFeng, Li-Dong Xia,A Statistical Study on the Ray Morphology and Blob Dynamics in the Wake of Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Physics, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s11207-011-9848-9.

13. H.Q. Song,Y. Chen, G. Li, X.L. Kong, S. W.Feng,Coalescence of macroscopic magnetic islands and electron acceleration from STEREO observation, Physical Review X, 2, 021015 (2012).

14. Li Bo,Yao Chen,and Li-dongXia,What geometrical factors determine the in situ solar wind speed, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(12), pp 1409-1414, 2012.


15. Feng, S. W.,Y. Chen(Corr. Auth.), et al.,Streamer wave events observed in Solar Cycle 23, Solar Physics, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s11207-011-9814-6.

16. Y. Chen, S. W.Feng, B. Li, H. Q. Song, L. D. Xia, & X. Li,ACoronal Seismological Study with Streamer Waves, the Astrophysical Journal, 728: 147, 2011.

17. Li Bo, Li-dong Xia, andYao Chen,Solar winds along curved magnetic field lines,Astro.Astrophys.,529, A148, 2011.


18. Zhang, M., L. D. Xia, H.Tian, andY. Chen,Signatures of transition region explosive events in hydrogen Ly-beta profiles, Astron.Astrophys., 520, A37,2010.

19. Li, Xing; Lu,Quanming;Chen, Yao; Li, Bo; Xia,Lidong,A KineticAlfvénWave and the Proton Distribution Function in the Fast Solar Wind, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 719, Issue 2, pp. L190-L193, 2010.

20. Liu K., L. D. Xia,Y. Chen, and H. Q. Song,Statistical study on the relationship between halo CME and coronal dimming, Science in China: E (53), No. 7, 2020-2034, 2010.

21. Y. Chen, H. Q. Song, B. Li, L. D. Xia, Z. Wu, H. Fu, & X. Li,Streamer Waves Driven by Coronal Mass Ejections, the Astrophysical Journal, 714: 644-651, 2010.


22. Song, H. Q.,Y. Chen(Corr. Auth.), K. Liu, S. W.Feng, and L. D. Xia,Quasi-Periodic Releases of Streamer Blobs and Velocity Variability of the Slow Solar Wind near the Sun,Solar Physics, 258, 129-140, 2009.

23. Chen, Y., X. Li, H. Q. Song, Q. Q. Shi, Sh. W.Feng, and L. D. Xia,Intrinsic Instability of Coronal Streamers, the Astrophysical Journal, 691:1936–1942, 2009.

24. Shi, Q. Q., Q.-G.Zong, H. Zhang, Z. Y.Pu, S. Y. Fu, L.Xie,Y. Chen, L. Li, L. D. Xia, Z. X. Liu, A. N.Fazakerley, H.Reme, and E.Lucek,Cluster observations of the entry layerequatorwardof the Cusp under northward IMF,JGR,VOL. 114, A12219,doi:10.1029/2009JA014475, 2009.

25. Shi, Q. Q., Z. Y.Pu, J.Soucek, Q.-G.Zong, S. Y. Fu, L.Xie,Y. Chen, H. Zhang, L. Li, L. D. Xia, Z. X. Liu, E.LucekA. N.Fazakerley, and H.Reme,Spatial structures of magnetic depression in the Earth’s High-altitude Cusp: Cluster multi-point Observations,J. G. R., VOL. 114, A10202, doi:10.1029/2009JA014283, 2009.


26. Chen, Y., Y. Q.Hu, and L. D. Xia,Two energy release processes for CMEs: MHD Catastrophe and Magnetic Reconnection, Advances in Space Research, 40(12), 1780-1786, 2007.

27. Chen, Y., Y. Q.Hu, and S. J. Sun,Catastrophic eruption of magnetic flux rope in the corona and solar wind with and without magnetic reconnection, the Astrophysical Journal, 665, 1421-1427, 2007.

28. Li, J. W.,Y. Chen(Corr. Auth.), and Z. Y. Li,Onthe non-modal self-heating phenomenon in shear flows, Physics of Plasmas, 13, 042101, 2006.

29. Chen, Y., G. Q. Li, and Y. Q.Hu,Force balance analysis of a coronal magnetic flux rope in equilibrium or eruption, the Astrophysical Journal, 649, 1093,2006.

30. Chen, Y., X. H. Chen, and Y. Q.Hu,Catastrophe of coronal flux rope inunshearedand sheared bipolar magnetic fields, the Astrophysical Journal, 644, 587, 2006.

31. Chen, Y.,Reproducing the UVCS/SOHO measurements in the slow wind source region at solar minimum, Advances in Space Research, 36, 1461-1467, 2005.

32. Chen, Y.,Velocity shear induced transition ofmagnetohydrodynamicto kinetic Alfven waves, Physics of Plasmas, 12, 052110,doi: 10.1063/1.1899664, 2005.

33. Chen, Y., and X. Li,An ion-cyclotron resonance driven three-fluid model of the slow wind near the Sun, the Astrophysical Journal (letters), 609:L41-L44, 2004.

34. Chen, Y., Z. Y. Li, J. W. Li, and S. P.Duan,A study on the charging characteristics and equilibrium potential of dust grains in comets, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,28(2), 183-187,2004.

35. Chen, Y., R.Esser, L. Strachan, and Y. Q.Hu,Stagnated outflow of O+5ions in the source region of the slow solar wind at solar minimum, the Astrophysical Journal, 602:415-421, 2004.

36. Chen, Y., R.Esser, and Y. Q.Hu,Numericalmodelingof the halo electrons in the fast solar wind, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(A10), 1371, doi:10.1029/2003JA009957, 2003.

37. Chen, Y., R.Esser, and Y. Q.Hu,Formation of minor ion charge states in the fast solar wind: roles of differential flow speeds of ions of the same element, the Astrophysical Journal, 582:467-474, 2003.

38. Chen, Y., R.Esser, and Y. Q.Hu,A theoretical model for O+5/ O+7ions in the fast solar wind, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(A11), 1368, doi:10.1029/2002JA009341, 2002.

39. Chen, Y., and Y. Q.Hu,Effect of flow tube geometry on solar wind properties, Astrophysics and Space Science, 282(2), 447-460, 2002.

40. Chen, Y., and Y. Q.Hu,A two-dimensionalAlfvénwave-driven solar wind model, Solar Physics, 199, 371-384, 2001.

41. Chen, Y., Z. Y. Li, W. Liu, and Z. D. Shi,Solitary kineticAlfvénwaves in the inertial limit region, Physics of Plasmas, 7(1), 371-374, 2000.

42. Sun, S. J.,Hu, Y. Q., andY. Chen,Influence ofphotosphericmagnetic flux distribution on coronal flux rope catastrophe, the Astrophysical Journal (letter), 654, L167-170,2007.

43. Li, J.W.,Y. Chen, and Z. Y. Li,Velocity shear induced wave transformations in the magnetopause boundary layer, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (地球物理学报), 2006(1).

44. Hu, Y. Q., S. R.Habbal,Y. Chen, and X. Li,Are coronal holes the only source of fast solar wind at solar minimum?,Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(A10), 1377, doi:10.1029/2002JA009776, 2003.

45. R.Esser, O. Lie-Svendsen, R. Edgar, andY. Chen,Observational and theoretical constraints on the heating and acceleration of the fast solar wind,AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 679, Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference,doi:10.1063/1.1618588, p.249, 2003.

46. Duan, S. P., Z. Y. Li, andY. Chen,Solitary kineticAlfvénwaves in the inertial limit region with low-beta plasma, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 46 (3): 295-298, 2003.

47. Li, Z. Y., S. P.Duan,Y. Chen, and B. L. Ma,The influence of comet passage on the magnetosphere, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 25(3), 381-389, 2001.

48. Z. Y. Li,Y. Chen, and B. L. Ma,Magnetosphericdisturbance caused from the CometHyakutake'splasmas,Proceedings of Observations and Physical Studies of Comet Hale-Bopp and Other Comets, Editors: ZhaoJunliangand WanNingshan, p.251, 2000.

49. Y. Chen, Z. Y. Li, and Z. D. Shi,Equilibrium Potential of Dust Grains inCometaryPlasma Environments, Proceedings of the Observations and Physical Studies of Comet Hale-Bopp and Other Comets, Editors: ZhaoJunliangand WanNingshan, p.189, 2000.

50. Li, Z. Y., D. S. Tang, X. Y. Wang,Y. Chenand Z. D. Shi,Maser effect of dust plasma in space and thelangmuirradiation caused by it, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23(1), 120-128, 1999.

51. Li, Z. Y., Z. D. Shi, andY. Chen,A storage process of magnetic energy from the unsteady plasma flow field in the disturbance regions ofcometarytail and atmosphere, Publications of Purple Mountain Observatory, 17(2), 1998.

52. Shi, Z. D., Z. Y. Li, andY. Chen,Disruption of charged dust grains incometaryplasma environments, Chinese Physics Letters, 15(2), 155-158, 1998.

网址:陈  耀教授 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/597700


陈向 教授
陈 提 教授
陈思 副教授
