PAGE PAGE 17 摘 要 随着社会经济的不断发展,人们对生活质量有了更高的要求,体育逐渐成为人们身体运动和生活乐趣的重要组成部分,参与体育活动的人数日益增多。教育系统一直致力于体育教育,但青少年在校体育时间相对较少,更多的家长选择校外体育教育机构,篮球运动具有较强的竞争力和较高的运动欣赏度的特点,篮球训练机构仍处于发展初期。篮球训练机构的市场竞争关系到篮球训练产业的发展。院校之间的竞争正逐渐转变为人才之间的竞争。教练员的培养和发展在篮球训练机构的竞争中起着非常重要的作用,教练员的培养和发展在篮球训练机构的竞争中起着非常重要的作用。教练员的培养和发展是教练员队伍的重要组成部分,教练员在篮球训练机构中的培养和发展是提高教练员教学水平的重要途径,也是提高教学效果的重要途径。研究篮球教育机构教练员培训,找出存在的问题,提出切实可行的对策,促进篮球培训市场的持续健康发展。 本文运用人力资源管理培训与开发的相关知识,以东方启明星篮球训练机构为例,首先阐述了培训与开发的定义,然后介绍了东方启明星篮球训练机构的教练员培训训练内容和训练方法,分析了篮球训练机构的训练和发展现状,提出了改进篮球训练机构的可行性措施,以促进篮球训练市场的发展,提高教练员和教学水平,对于促进篮球训练市场的持续健康发展也具有特别重要的意义。 关键词:人力资源 篮球培训机构 教练员 培训与开发 Abstract With the continuous development of the social economy, people have higher demands on the quality of life. Sport is gradually becoming an important part of the physical movement and the joys of life of people, and the number of people participating in sport is increasing from day to day. the education system has been devoted to physical education, but the physical education time of young people in school is relatively small, more parents choose sports education institutions outside the school, and basketball has the characteristics of a strong competitiveness and a high appreciation in sport, the basketball training institutions are still in the early stages of development. The market competition of the basketball training institutes influences the development of the basketball training industry. Competition between institutions is gradually turning into competition between talent. The training and development of trainers plays a very important role in the competition of basketball training facilities. The training and development of trainers plays a very important role in the competition of basketball training facilities. The training and development of coaches is an important part of the coaching team. The training and development of coaches in basketball training facilities is an important way to improve the teaching level of coaches and also an important way to improv
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