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黄河沿岸人地关系与发展1. 河南大学 黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心, 开封 475001;
2. 河南财经政法大学 区域可持续发展研究中心, 郑州 450002MAN-LAND RELATIONSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGIONS ALONG YELLOW RIVERLI Xiao-jian1,2, XU Jia-wei1, REN Xing1, LI Li11. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China;
2. Institute of Sustainable Development, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450002, China摘要图/表参考文献相关文章(15)
摘要 文明的产生与扩散是人地相互作用的反映,不同的文明与不同的地理环境密切相关,不同发展阶段的文明又反映了不同类别的地理要素的组合及其共同作用。产生古文明的区域,在新的发展阶段由于地理环境优势的变化,又面临着严峻的发展挑战。本文分析了黄河文明的起源、扩散与地理环境的关系,黄河特殊的"曲流"形式以及中国特殊的地形阶梯及气候带与晋商的形成,黄河沿岸东西、南北经济的相互作用及其现代发展滞后的地理因素的影响,得出了一些新的观点。在此观点的基础上,本文认为黄河沿岸的现代发展应该考虑:由河流治理为主转变为发展为主,重新认识黄河流域特殊的地理要素和社会文化要素的优势,充分利用黄河沿岸的上下互动、两岸腹地的左右互动,系统地考虑和反思黄河对国家和沿岸地区发展的综合作用,综合谋划黄河沿岸地区的发展。服务把本文推荐给朋友加入我的书架加入引用管理器 E-mail AlertRSS作者相关文章关键词 :黄河文明, 地理环境, 黄河沿岸地带发展, 人地关系 Abstract:The development of the regions along Yellow River has great significance not only for Yellow River basin, but also for economic and social development of China. In consideration of regional development along Yellow River, the coordination between human and land should be an important principle. This paper analyzes the relationships between origin and diffusion of Yellow River civilization and its geographical environment. We argues that modern development of the regions along Yellow River should take the followings into account: changing priority from management to development; recognizing advantages of special geographical and social cultural factors; making full use of interactions of the upper and the lower and interactions of the left and the right; and designing synthetical development of the regions along Yellow River. In the end, two questions are discussed: 1)Geographical environment influence on development of human civilization should still be paid sufficient attentions. From a historical perspective, geographical environment plays a leading role in the man-land relationship in the early stage of civilization. With the ability strengthened to exploit environment, human become gradually more and more powerful. 2)Yellow River civilization and marine civilization should co-exist at a higher level integration. Yellow River civilization has been facing the impact from marine civilization, but in the view of scientific outlook on development, Yellow River civilization contains more ecological civilization' connotation, science-technology and business development of marine civilization can't completely replace man-land coordination embodied in Yellow River civilization.Key words:Yellow River civilization geographical environment development of the regions along Yellow River man-land relationship 收稿日期: 2011-08-31 基金资助:
黄河岸边有人家 作家学者山西太原分享文学中的黄河故事
文化名人谈文化 | 单霁翔:河蜿蜒大地成“人”,人赓续文明如河
2. 河南财经政法大学 区域可持续发展研究中心, 郑州 450002MAN-LAND RELATIONSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGIONS ALONG YELLOW RIVERLI Xiao-jian1,2, XU Jia-wei1, REN Xing1, LI Li11. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China;
2. Institute of Sustainable Development, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450002, China摘要图/表参考文献相关文章(15)
摘要 文明的产生与扩散是人地相互作用的反映,不同的文明与不同的地理环境密切相关,不同发展阶段的文明又反映了不同类别的地理要素的组合及其共同作用。产生古文明的区域,在新的发展阶段由于地理环境优势的变化,又面临着严峻的发展挑战。本文分析了黄河文明的起源、扩散与地理环境的关系,黄河特殊的"曲流"形式以及中国特殊的地形阶梯及气候带与晋商的形成,黄河沿岸东西、南北经济的相互作用及其现代发展滞后的地理因素的影响,得出了一些新的观点。在此观点的基础上,本文认为黄河沿岸的现代发展应该考虑:由河流治理为主转变为发展为主,重新认识黄河流域特殊的地理要素和社会文化要素的优势,充分利用黄河沿岸的上下互动、两岸腹地的左右互动,系统地考虑和反思黄河对国家和沿岸地区发展的综合作用,综合谋划黄河沿岸地区的发展。服务把本文推荐给朋友加入我的书架加入引用管理器 E-mail AlertRSS作者相关文章关键词 :黄河文明, 地理环境, 黄河沿岸地带发展, 人地关系 Abstract:The development of the regions along Yellow River has great significance not only for Yellow River basin, but also for economic and social development of China. In consideration of regional development along Yellow River, the coordination between human and land should be an important principle. This paper analyzes the relationships between origin and diffusion of Yellow River civilization and its geographical environment. We argues that modern development of the regions along Yellow River should take the followings into account: changing priority from management to development; recognizing advantages of special geographical and social cultural factors; making full use of interactions of the upper and the lower and interactions of the left and the right; and designing synthetical development of the regions along Yellow River. In the end, two questions are discussed: 1)Geographical environment influence on development of human civilization should still be paid sufficient attentions. From a historical perspective, geographical environment plays a leading role in the man-land relationship in the early stage of civilization. With the ability strengthened to exploit environment, human become gradually more and more powerful. 2)Yellow River civilization and marine civilization should co-exist at a higher level integration. Yellow River civilization has been facing the impact from marine civilization, but in the view of scientific outlook on development, Yellow River civilization contains more ecological civilization' connotation, science-technology and business development of marine civilization can't completely replace man-land coordination embodied in Yellow River civilization.Key words:Yellow River civilization geographical environment development of the regions along Yellow River man-land relationship 收稿日期: 2011-08-31 基金资助:
作者简介: 李小建(1954-),男,河南孟津人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事经济地理学研究。E-mail:[email protected]。引用本文: 李小建, 许家伟, 任星, 李立. 黄河沿岸人地关系与发展[J]. 人文地理, 2012, 27(1): 1-5. LI Xiao-jian, XU Jia-wei, REN Xing, LI Li. MAN-LAND RELATIONSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGIONS ALONG YELLOW RIVER. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 2012, 27(1): 1-5.链接本文: http://rwdl.xisu.edu.cn/CN/10.13959/j.issn.1003-2398.2012.01.001 或 http://rwdl.xisu.edu.cn/CN/Y2012/V27/I1/1网址:黄河沿岸人地关系与发展 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/492612
黄河岸边有人家 作家学者山西太原分享文学中的黄河故事
文化名人谈文化 | 单霁翔:河蜿蜒大地成“人”,人赓续文明如河