
发布时间:2024-12-21 03:07


1. Tinglu Cai,Silong Huang, Jiaqi Wu, Ziyan Zhang, Chengfeng Xue, and Yining Chen*,2023. Saltmarsh carbon stock changes under combined effects of vegetation succession and reclamation. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability.

2. Min Xiao, Tinglu Cai, Xinkai Wang, Jie Cheng, Bing Liu, Xiaoming Xia, Yining Chen*, 2023. Response of native and exotic saltmarsh species to sediment deposition addition. Science of the Total Environment.

3. 陈一宁,张子严,陈鹭真,张家林,刘兵,夏小明,王欣凯,蔡廷禄*,2023. 杭州湾南岸滨海盐沼碳库的季节性变化 海洋学研究.

4. 陈一宁,陈鹭真,2023. 滨海蓝碳生态系统的碳库间相互作用研究进展及展望. 海洋学研究.

5. Yining Chen*, Luzhen Chen, Ziyan Zhang, Tinglu Cai*., 2023. Tidal creeks mediate micro-climate within artificial mangroves at their northmost boundary in China. Ecological Engineering.

6. Bing Liu, Tinglu Cai, Yining Chen*, Bingyu Yuan, Rong Wang, Min Xiao, 2022. Sediment dynamic changes induced by the presence of dyke in a Scirpus mariqueter saltmarsh. Coastal Engineering.

7. Yizhang Wei, Yining Chen, Jufei Qiu, Zeng Zhou*, Peng Yao, Qin Jiang, Zheng Gong, Giovanni Coco, Ian Townend, and Changkuan Zhang, 2022. The role of geological mouth islands on the morphodynamics of back-barrier tidal basins. Earth Surface Dynamics,. 

8. Bing Liu, Yining Chen*, Tinglu Cai, Yan Li, Li Sun, 2021. Estimating Waves and Currents at the Saltmarsh Edge Using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Data. Frontiers in Marine Science.

9. Yining Chen, Yukun Shi*, Silong Huang, 2021. Species-specific settling behaviors of benthic foraminifera: size, density and structure. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 

10. Silong Huang, Yining Chen*, Yan Li., 2020. Spatial dynamic patterns of saltmarsh vegetation in southern Hangzhou Bay: Exotic and native species. Water Science and Engineering. 

11. Luzhen Chen, Yining Chen, Yihui Zhang, Fenghong Yu, 2020. Mangrove Carbon Sequestration and Sediment Deposition Changes under Cordgrass Invasion. Book chapter in Friess D and Sidik F, (eds.) Dynamic Sedimentary Environments of Mangrove Coasts. Elsevier.

12. 陈一宁*,陈鹭真,蔡廷禄,夏小明,2020. 滨海湿地生物地貌学进展及在生态修复中的应用展望.海洋与湖沼.

13. Yang Chang, Yining Chen*, Ya Ping Wang, 2020. Field measurements of tidal flows affected by mangrove seedlings in a restored mangrove swamp, Southern China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

14. 夏添,陈一宁*,高建华,黄思龙,2019。植被演替对杭州湾南岸盐沼物质循环的影响。海洋科学.

15. Yining Chen*, Charlotte Thompson, Michael Collins, 2019. Controls on creek margin stability by the root systems of saltmarsh vegetation, Beaulieu Estuary, Southern England. Anthropocene Coasts. 

16. Yang Chang, Yining Chen*, Yan Li, 2019. Flow modification associated with mangrove trees in a macro-tidal flat, Southern China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica.

17. Yining Chen*, Yan Li, Charlotte Thompson et al., 2018. Differential sediment trapping abilities of mangrove and saltmarsh vegetation in a subtropical estuary. Geomorphology.

18. Yining Chen, Nengwang Chen*, Yan Li, Huasheng Hong, 2018. Multi-timescale sediment responses across a human impacted river-estuary system. Journal of Hydrology.

19. 李屹,陈一宁*,李炎,2017。红树林与互花米草盐沼交错区空间格局变化规律的遥感分析. 海洋通报.

20. Yining Chen*, Yan Li, Tinglu Cai, Charlotte Thompson and Yi Li, 2016. A comparison of biohydrodynamic interaction within mangrove and saltmarsh boundaries. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

21. Yining Chen*, Charlotte Thompson, Michael Collins, 2012. Saltmarsh creek bank stability: Biostabilisation and consolidation with depth. Continental Shelf Research.

Yining Chen*, Michael Collins., Charlotte Thompson, 2011. Creek enlargement in a low-energy degrading saltmarsh, Southern England. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

网址:陈一宁 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/381423


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