发布时间:2024-12-20 10:29
2. 摘取属于自己的那颗梦想的启明星。To pick up the star that will take us to our dream.来自互联网
3. 来日方长,太阳只是颗启明星。There's still time, the sun just single phosphor.来自互联网
4. 但那少年却回答道,“我就是启明星。”"But he answered," I am the Morning Star.来自互联网
5. 启明星,是代表爱与美。Venus, representing love and beauty.来自互联网
6. 我觉得,我觉得,我觉得我像一颗启明星。I feel, I feel, I feel like a mor-ning star.来自互联网
7. 除了启明星以外,其它的星星全部消失了。All but the morning star other stars have disappeared.来自互联网
8. 星孩便在太阳月亮和启明星的家里住了下来。Star-Boy lived in the home of the Sun and the Moon with Morning Star.来自互联网
9. 命运的启明星在你的心中闪烁不停,抓紧它。Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heat.来自互联网
10. 当女孩到家时,启明星和他妈妈月亮正在等她。When she reached home, Morning Star and his Mother the Moon were waiting for her.来自互联网
11. 启明星还没睡醒,我们的旗帜已在风中腊腊飘响。Venus has not awake, our flag had been floating in the wind wax wax ring.来自互联网
12. 启明星就是语言!The star is language!来自互联网
13. 就像一颗启明星。Like a guiding star.来自互联网
14. 启明星,象征着迷茫中的希望,引领方向的的标志。Venus, a symbol of the confusion in the hope to lead the direction of the sign.来自互联网
15. 最早出现的启明星,在这深蓝色的天幕上闪烁起来了。The earliest star, in the deep blue sky flashing up.来自互联网
16. 他是球队的启明星,球队的领导者,球队格局的制裁者。He is the team's star, its leader and its arbiter of style.来自互联网
17. 启明星把女孩带到蜘蛛人的房子旁,就是这个蜘蛛人织的网把她带到了天上。Then Morning Star led the girl to the house of the Spider Man who had weaved the web that had drawn her up to the sky.来自互联网
18. 梦想无好坏大小高低贵贱之分,它只是人们心中的一颗启明星,指引前进的方向。Dreams haven't different between distingue and nidering, it's the phosphor in our heart which to direct our advance and direction.来自互联网
19. 这个女孩长久地凝望着那颗星,她有了一种奇异的幻觉,好像启明星就是她的情人。The girl looked long at the Star, and she had strange fancies, and imagined that he was her lover.来自互联网
20. 接着启明星把星孩带到他的父亲和母亲——太阳和月亮那里,告诉了他们星孩的身份。Then he brought him to his father and mother, the Sun and the Moon, and told them who the boy was.来自互联网
21. 我可以怀疑其中的一个为启明星,却不能怀疑另一个是长庚星,同样的事物拥有不同属性那根本是不可能的。One of them I can doubt to be phosphorus the other one I can't doubt to be phosphorus and there's no way that the same thing can have different properties.来自互联网
22. 启明星和月亮都哀求太阳让她留下,但太阳说,她最好还是回她的草原,既然她在天上已经不再开心了。Morning Star and the Moon pleaded with the Sun to let her remain, but the Sun said that it was better that she should go back to the prairies, for she would no longer be happy in the sky.来自互联网
23. 你和我无数次看到了启明星一面燃烧一面亲吻着咱俩无数次看到了曙光在咱们头上像扇面式地盘旋飞舞。So many times we have seen the morning star burn, kissing our eyes, and over our heads the gray light unwind in turning fans.来自互联网
24. 你和我无数次看到了启明星一面燃烧一面亲吻着咱俩无数次看到了曙光在咱们头上像扇面式地盘旋飞舞。So many times we have seen the morning star burn, kissing our eyes, and over our heads the gray light unwind in turning fans.来自互联网
网址:启明星用英语怎么说 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/359371