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2004.09 - 2008.09湖北大学生命科学学院 化学生物学 理学学士
2008.09 - 2013.07中国科学院上海生命科学研究院/德国马普分子遗传研究所 计算生物学理学博士
2011.09 - 2012.12 德国马普智能系统研究所访问学者
2013.07 - 2016.07集美大学讲师
2016.07 - 2020.09武汉理工大学讲师、博士后
2020.02 - 2022.12吉林农业大学博士后
2022.12 - 至今吉林农业大学教授
1. Fu YP# , Dai YT#, Chethana KWT, Li ZH, Sun L, Li CT, Yu HL, Yang RH, Tan Q, Bao DP, Deng YJ, Wang SX, Wang YF, Tian FH, Qi LL, Shu LL, Jia PS, Chen LC, Chen MY, Hu QX, Tan H, Song TT, Zhang ZW, Bonito G, Zervakis GI, Xiao SJ*, Hyde KD* , Li Y*, and Yuan XH*. Large-scale genome investigations reveal insights into domestication of cultivated mushrooms. Mycosphere 2022. Online.
2. Jiang N#, Li ZH#, Dai YT, Liu ZH, Han XR, Li Y, Li Y, Xiong H, Xu J, Zhang GL, Xiao SJ*, Yuan XH* and Fu YP*. Massive genome investigations reveal insights of prevalent introgression for environmental adaptation and triterpene biosynthesis in Ganoderma. Molecular Ecology Resources 2022. Online.
3. Guo YX, Liu ZH, Fu YP, Li Y, Dai YT*, Xiao SJ*. Pan-Genomes Provide Insights into the Genetic Basis of Auricularia heimuer Domestication. Journal of Fungi 2022, 8:581
4. Yu HL#, Zhang LJ#, Shang XD, Peng B, Li Y, Xiao SJ*, Tan Q*, Fu YP*. Chromosomal genome and population genetic analyses to reveal genetic architecture, breeding history and genes related to cadmium accumulation in Lentinula edodes. BMC Genomics. 2022, 23(1):120.
5. Jiang N, Hu S, Peng B, Li ZH, Yuan XH, Xiao SJ*, Fu YP*. Genome of Ganoderma Species Provides Insights Into the Evolution, Conifers Substrate Utilization, and Terpene Synthesis for Ganoderma tsugae. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12:724451.
6. Yang Y, Sossah LF, Li Z, Hyde K, Li D*, Xiao SJ*, Fu YP, Yuan XH and Li Y. Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of Chitinase GH18 Gene Family in Mycogone perniciosa. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 11:3366
7. Xu R, Liu XC, Peng B, Liu PB, Li Z, Dai YT* and Xiao SJ*. Genomic features of Cladobotryum dendroides, which causes cobweb disease in edible mushrooms, and identification of genes related to pathogenicity and mycoparasitism. Pathogens 2020, 9(3): 232.
8. 袁晓辉,付永平,肖世俊,李长田,王迪,李玉. 食用菌表型组技术研究进展. 菌物学报 2021, 04:721-742.
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