在经历了漫长的封锁生活、远程工作的日子后,伦敦艺术大学中央圣马丁艺术学院终于迎来了久违的实体时装秀。在这场盛大的时装秀上,今年即将毕业的时尚设计本科(BA Fashion)学生们逐一在T台上展示了自己的作品。秀场的布置也独具特色,有用织物边角料拼凑制成装饰、有大型雕塑和气垫,还有一只巨大的充气鸭子。
CSM BA Fashion Show 2021
时尚设计本科的课程主任Sarah Gresty对这场时装秀给予了很高的评价:
Seli Arku-Korsi,
BA Fashion: Fashion Design Womenswear
(Photo: Miguel Martim)
女装设计专业(BA Fashion: Fashion Design Womenswear)的学生Seli Arku-Korsi获得了本年度的欧莱雅新秀奖(L'Oréal Professionnel Young Talent Award),他谈到了作品的灵感和获奖的感受:
Karina Bondareva,
BA Fashion: Fashion Print
(Photo: Miguel Martin Diaz)
时尚印花设计专业(BA Fashion: Fashion Print)学生Karina Bondareva和时尚设计与营销专业(BA Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing)学生Dylan Etienne-Ramsay并列获得了欧莱雅新秀奖亚军;该奖项季军由时尚设计与营销专业学生Ellen Poppy Hill和针织时尚设计专业(BA Fashion: Fashion Design with Knitwear)学生Jamie Howes并列获得。奖项评委由时尚设计本科课程主任和多位知名时尚界人士。
Dylan Etienne-Ramsay,
BA Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing
(Photo: Miguel Martin Diaz)
On a catwalk laid with a giant, collective patchwork, our graduating BA Fashion students revealed their work to the world.
In a welcome return to physical shows, each one of our graduating BA Fashion students presented a look on the catwalk. The scene was dressed with a patchwork constructed from leftover fabrics, giant sculptures of pin cushions and scissors, all finished with a huge inflatable duck.
We all came together yesterday as one community of students and staff to celebrate the achievements of our wonderful final year – especially considering the limitations and challenges the last year has brought. It was a joyous, uplifting, memorable experience. I am incredibly proud of everyone.
— Sarah Gresty, Course Leader, BA Fashion
Seli Arku-Korsi, BA Fashion: Fashion Design Womenswear, was announced as the winner of this year's L'Oréal Professionnel Young Talent Award.
The inspiration for my work comes directly from my artworks which are an expression of what I experience in life. Particularly in the past year I had faced some hardship. I had lost my mum to COVID which created a kind of fracture in my state of mind, coupled with struggling with addiction, it made it all the more difficult for me to see or think clearly. So the 3D-like mirage prints in my collection represent just that: a hazy and unclear state of mind. I am very grateful for this award. It is an encouragement, an encouragement to keep producing from the soul and not to let a day go to waste.
Seli Arku-Korsi
The joint first runners-up are Karina Bondareva, BA Fashion: Fashion Print and Dylan Etienne-Ramsay, BA Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing. The joint second runners-up are Ellen Poppy Hill, BA Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing and Jamie Howes, BA Fashion: Fashion Knitwear. The judges for the 2021 Award were: talent agent Camilla Lowther, visual storyteller Harris Elliott, designer and alum Matty Bovan, fashion editor Jeanie Annan-Lewin and BA Fashion Course Leader Sarah Gresty.
In i-D, Mahoro Seward and Osman Ahmed wrote:
Of course, given that these are the young fashion superstars of tomorrow, it goes without saying that the work on display grappled with the most pressing issues facing fashion today. Most of the designers can tell you the myriad ways they've sought out solutions to fashion's endemic waste and excess, and many of the collections took a hand-crafted approach to textiles. Themes of decolonialism, gender identity, body distortion and innovative artisanal techniques also rose to the fore, and it was truly diverse as a result.
While in Vogue, Sarah Mower summed up the show as:
A collective triumph of youth and creativity over the adversity and trauma of a year of struggle, it had all the thrill of a grand fashion reunion for the hundred students who each walked in their own looks – and for the widely-spaced audience who hadn't seen a live fashion show in so, so long.
BA Fashion Show 2021
(Photo: Miguel Martim)
想了解更多关于时尚设计本科(BA Fashion)及相关课程的信息,请联系伦敦艺术大学授权广州招生代表处。
(020)8760 0086
网址:新秀闪耀:2021届时尚设计本科毕业秀回顾 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/239409
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