
发布时间:2024-12-16 08:48



Nowadays, talent management plays a critical role in organizations, but it lacks a micro perspective such as star performers. Star performers make the greatest contributions to organizations and are gaining increasing attention. There are several reviews, however, most of which don't distinguish the spillover effect between immobile and mobile stars, neglect the process mechanisms of the spillover effect and the literature on interregional mobile stars. This ignorance makes it difficult to understand the distinctions between how star performers exert spillover effects on other subjects in immobile and mobile contexts. By reviewing the existing literature, this paper aims to reveal the spillover pathways of star performers from immobile and mobile perspectives, respectively, and to construct an integrative framework.#br#By searching for key words including "star performer*", "superstar*", "star scientist*", "star CEO*","star athlete*","high performer*","core employee*","key employee*", "high-status employee*", "key inventor*", and "high achiever*" on WOS (Web of Science) in English and CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) in Chinese, the study receives 4 100 papers, and there are 4 065 left without the duplicate papers. According to the criteria about research subject, the dimension of performance,etc., there are 104 English papers and 18 Chinese ones remained for further analysis.#br#By analyzing and summarizing the existing literature, the study unpacks how star performers influence others from the perspectives of immobility and mobility, and then it proposes a framework and future directions. First, this study sorts through the history of star performers' definitions, clarifying that star performers have evolved from a single dimension to dual dimensions and enumerating some relevant categories. On the basis of the definition and the existing streams of the star performers, the spillover effect of the star performers is clearly defined, that is, the influence of star performers' attributes (e.g., features, behaviors, group characteristics) on other actors at the individual, team, organizational, and field levels. Second, the process mechanisms of the spillover effect from the immobile perspective are discerned, namely, the cognitive and emotional pathways based on social comparison theory, and the signaling, resource, and psychological pathways based on social network theory. The process mechanisms of the spillover effect from the mobile perspective are concluded, namely, the knowledge pathway based on human capital theory, the social relationship pathway based on social capital theory, and the cost-benefit pathway based on the above two theories. Furthermore, an integrative framework of the star performers' spillover effect from the immobile perspective and the mobile perspective is constructed, revealing subjects, theories, pathways, objects, and contexts of the spillovers. Last, future directions are proposed, i.e., exploring the spillover effect of different types of star performers, introducing status-dynamic views of star performers' spillover effect, focusing on the emotional mechanism of star performers' spillover effect, expanding the spillover directions of star performers, and enriching the boundary conditions of performers' spillover effect.#br#There are four contributions to the literature on star performers. (1) A novel theoretical lens (i.e., immobility and mobility) is put forward, offering insights for government and organizations that not only talent stability but also talent mobility should be considered in talent management. (2) Although “spillover effect” is often used in the literature of star performers, none of them has clearly defined the term. Considering the externality of human capital in economics, the externality of social capital in sociology, and the literature on star performers, this study clarifies the connotation of star performers' spillover effect, which lays the foundation for a common dialogue. (3) The process mechanisms of how star performers impact individuals, teams, organizations, and fields are explored from both immobile and mobile perspectives, sorting out eight pathways such as cognitive, emotional, signaling, and resource. (4) A framework is proposed to clearly present a panoramic picture of existing literature and future directions. Thus, this paper provides some insights for the star research and talent management practice in the new era.#br#


明星工作者 /高绩效工作者 /溢出效应 /人才管理 /整合框架{{custom_keyword}} /

Key words

Star Performers /High Performers /Spillover Effect /Talent Management /Integrative Framework{{custom_keyword}} /


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