发布时间:2024-12-15 08:22
基于归属感及价值感视角的用户参与影响研究——以在线旅游社区为例湖南大学 工商管理学院, 长沙 410082STUDY OF USER BASED ON SENSE OF COMMUNITY AND VALUE:CASES FROM ONLINE TRAVEL COMMUNITYWU Hui, XIAO TingBusiness School, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China摘要图/表参考文献相关文章(12)
摘要 近年来关于用户参与的研究大受欢迎,但鲜有研究从用户参与广度和深度出发,基于社区归属感及服务个人价值独特视角深入探讨用户参与对用户忠诚的影响。本文以在线旅游社区为例,以个人价值理论和基本心理需要理论为基础,采用情境问卷法构建了包含用户参与、用户忠诚、社区归属感及服务个人价值的结构方程模型。研究表明:用户参与广度和深度对用户忠诚都有显著正向影响;安宁生活价值、社会融合价值和社区归属感显著中介于用户参与和忠诚的关系,其中社会融合价值中介作用最强,但社会认同价值没有发挥显著中介作用。本文的新发现在丰富学术界对用户参与相关研究的同时,还对在线旅行企业如何提高用户忠诚有较大参考意义。服务把本文推荐给朋友加入我的书架加入引用管理器 E-mail AlertRSS作者相关文章关键词 :用户参与, 社区归属感, 服务个人价值, 在线旅游社区, 结构方程模型 Abstract:With the development of service-oriented logic, it requires more deep study of the source of user loyalty as service enterprises need create more value for users and shape competitive advantage. In recent years, research on user involvement becomes very popular. However, few studies deeply investigate the influence of user involvement on user loyalty from the view of breadth of user involvement and depth of user involvement, and based on the unique perspectives of sense of community and service personal values. At first, based on the personal value theory and the basic psychological need theory, this study establishes a structural equation model which contains user involvement, user loyalty, sense of community and service personal values. Service personal values, as the highest level of value demands, are divided into three dimensions of service value to peaceful life, service value to identity value and service value to social integration. And then the method of scenario-based questionnaire is used to collect data online and offline in the case of online travel community. Before the final survey, an interview, two pre-experiments and a pre-survey are constructed one after another to make the scenarios and questionnaires more scientific and reasonable. At last, the software AMOS 21.0 and SPSS 21.0 are applied together to analysis the data and test the hypotheses. The results of this study show that both breadth and depth of user involvement have a positive influence on user loyalty, yet the effect of depth of user involvement on user loyalty is stronger. What's more, service value to peaceful life, service value to social integration and sense of virtual community have significant mediating effects between user involvement and user loyalty.Key words:user involvement sense of community service personal values online travel community structural equation model 收稿日期: 2016-02-04 基金资助:
《2024年 明星的粉丝认同研究——以鹿晗粉丝为例》范文
摘要 近年来关于用户参与的研究大受欢迎,但鲜有研究从用户参与广度和深度出发,基于社区归属感及服务个人价值独特视角深入探讨用户参与对用户忠诚的影响。本文以在线旅游社区为例,以个人价值理论和基本心理需要理论为基础,采用情境问卷法构建了包含用户参与、用户忠诚、社区归属感及服务个人价值的结构方程模型。研究表明:用户参与广度和深度对用户忠诚都有显著正向影响;安宁生活价值、社会融合价值和社区归属感显著中介于用户参与和忠诚的关系,其中社会融合价值中介作用最强,但社会认同价值没有发挥显著中介作用。本文的新发现在丰富学术界对用户参与相关研究的同时,还对在线旅行企业如何提高用户忠诚有较大参考意义。服务把本文推荐给朋友加入我的书架加入引用管理器 E-mail AlertRSS作者相关文章关键词 :用户参与, 社区归属感, 服务个人价值, 在线旅游社区, 结构方程模型 Abstract:With the development of service-oriented logic, it requires more deep study of the source of user loyalty as service enterprises need create more value for users and shape competitive advantage. In recent years, research on user involvement becomes very popular. However, few studies deeply investigate the influence of user involvement on user loyalty from the view of breadth of user involvement and depth of user involvement, and based on the unique perspectives of sense of community and service personal values. At first, based on the personal value theory and the basic psychological need theory, this study establishes a structural equation model which contains user involvement, user loyalty, sense of community and service personal values. Service personal values, as the highest level of value demands, are divided into three dimensions of service value to peaceful life, service value to identity value and service value to social integration. And then the method of scenario-based questionnaire is used to collect data online and offline in the case of online travel community. Before the final survey, an interview, two pre-experiments and a pre-survey are constructed one after another to make the scenarios and questionnaires more scientific and reasonable. At last, the software AMOS 21.0 and SPSS 21.0 are applied together to analysis the data and test the hypotheses. The results of this study show that both breadth and depth of user involvement have a positive influence on user loyalty, yet the effect of depth of user involvement on user loyalty is stronger. What's more, service value to peaceful life, service value to social integration and sense of virtual community have significant mediating effects between user involvement and user loyalty.Key words:user involvement sense of community service personal values online travel community structural equation model 收稿日期: 2016-02-04 基金资助:
作者简介: 吴慧(1971-),女,湖南长沙人,副教授,博士,主要研究方向为旅游管理与服务营销。E-mail:[email protected]。网址:基于归属感及价值感视角的用户参与影响研究——以在线旅游社区为例 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/191682
《2024年 明星的粉丝认同研究——以鹿晗粉丝为例》范文