
发布时间:2024-12-12 00:12



Dashas大限类似,法达(Firdaria)一词其实就是「期间」(Period)的意思,它是一种藉著值限 星排列的


方式(Time Ruler System),而其排列法则延续著迦勒底星序的传统(Chaldaean Order of Planets)。法达星限运用了日月五星以及南北交点共九个星体与虚点。












•  太阳(10)
•  金星(8)
•  水星(13)
•  太阴(9)
•  土星(11)
•  木星(12)
•  火星(7)
•  北交(3)
•  南交(2)
•  太阴(9)
•  土星(11)
•  木星(12)
•  火星(7)
•  北交(3)
•  南交(2)
•  太阳(10)
•  金星(8)
•  水星(13)

Now that Birchfield has identified the original source, the controversy appears to be settled. The Moon's North Node rules ages 70-73 and South Node, ages 73-75 for all of us, whether we have day or night births.

Every individual's life then, has a period that is in the larger context ruled by Mars. How that period plays out depended on the factors Abu Ma'shar lists in the previous quote and I can recap simply as follows:

每个人的生命中,都有很大一部分由火星掌管,而那一段时间是如何演绎的,则可以根据以下ABU MA'SHAR大师列出的要点来分析:

Look at the age ruler in the nativity;
1. Its zodiacal condition
2. The house it is posited in
3. The house(s) it rules
4. The testimonies of the other planets to it (aspects)

1. 所落入星座
2. 所落入宫位
3. 所主管的宫位(可以是多个宫位)
4. 与其他行星所行程的相位

Look at the Age Ruler in the SR of the year it assumes its lordship:
1. Its zodiacal condition
2. The house it is posited in
3. The house(s) it rules
4. The testimonies of the other planets to it (aspects)

1. 所落入星座
2. 所落入宫位
3. 所主管的宫位(可以是多个宫位)
4. 与其他行星所行程的相位

Compare the two testimonies:
1. If both are good, it indicates great advantage and profit
2. If both are bad, it indicates great disadvantage and upset
3. If they do not agree in testimony, the ruler indicates only mediocre advantage and disadvantage; many ‘ups and downs’.
1. 如果两个象征性都良好,则喻示着优势和获利
2. 如果两个象征星都不良,则喻示着不利和动荡
3. 如果两个象征星表现情况不一直,则不好不坏,大部分情况会比较起伏不定





需要特别注意的是,法达星限的用法依照目前残留下来的典籍,只有阿拉伯占星家阿布马夏(Abu Ma’shar)介绍的最为完整,以后的占星家大都依循他的用法,但用法上皆有若干不同。例如Bonatti就使用上述的用法,但若干占星家例如11世纪的Al-Biruni以及16世纪的Antonio de Montulmo就认为夜生盘的南北交点应该排列到最后。某些占星家例如16世纪的Joachim Camerarius甚至认为南北交点的限运应该去除。




家也开始质疑法达副限的用法,例如Benjamin Dykes(Liber Astronomiae的译者)就质疑古典用法的正确性,他认为每个主限不应该平均七等分作为副限,而是应该要按照每颗轮值星所掌管的时程做不同的区分,例如太阳主限管十年,金星主限管8年,所以太阳主限下的太阳副限应该只能管10个月,接著就由金星轮值8个月,水星轮值13个月,依此类推,但南北交 不再分副限。





里的火金运, 并不会因为主运为火星副运为金星,就特别强调火星的影响。在火金运下,金星跟火星是同等重要的。但主要大运仍有其指标性意义,如水火大运,在水星运下的火 星副运,该运期间的相关事件与事务,多少会带有水星主运相关的主题性影响。再者,若主运星与副运星之间有相位关系时,也会强化主运星与副运星在该大运期间 的影响力。











Firdar: Sun - Saturn
Profected House: 7th

Kahlo was in the Firdar period ruled by the Sun and sub-period ruled by Saturn. The Sun is the Ruler and Almuten of the 1st house, (this house is associated with the life and the physical body of the native ‘Anatole’) and it makes an opposition to Mars, Almuten of the 6th house (this house is associated with diseases and defects of the body ‘Cace Tyche’). Saturn, the great malefic, is the Ruler and Almuten of the 7th house, active by Profection, and Ruler of the sub-period of Firdar, it is posited in the 8th house (this house is associated with death, fears and losses ‘Epicataphora’).





1925: 18 and 19 years old
1925年 18岁与19岁
Firdar: Mercury - Mercury
Profected Houses: 7th and 8th
Kahlo was seriously wounded on September 17, 1925, in a collision between a streetcar and a bus in which she was travelling from school to her home in Coyoacán. The multiple traumatisms that Kahlo suffered were so serious that even her own doctors doubted that she would survive.

Firdar period and sub-period is ruled by Mercury. Considering Mercury as the Ruler and Almuten of the 2nd house and 11th house in her nativity, it would not point out this tragic episode in Kahlo's life. However, for being posited in the 12th house (this house is associated with serious diseases, hospitalizations, imprisonments and adversities ‘Cacos Daemon’) it shows the events very clearly. The Profected House by the time of the accident is the 7th house. The Ruler of the 7th house is Saturn, a planet that indicates limitations, which is posited in the 8th house (this house is associated with death, fears and losses) and it also is co-Almuten of the 6th house (this house is associated with diseases and defects of the body). When she was sick and using several plaster casts, the Profected House was the 8th house. The Ruler of the 8th house is Jupiter, conjunct to the cusp of the 12th house, mentioned above. Jupiter is a benefic planet by nature, but in the case of Kahlo's nativity in spite of being in Exaltation and Term, it is Cadent, Combust, and afflicted by an opposition from Mars and it is the Ruler of a bad house ‘Epicataphora’. Saturn, the co-Almuten of the 6th house, is posited in the 8th house.

1930: 22 years old
Firdar: Mercury - Saturn
Profected House: 11th
法达: 水星-土星

In the beginning of the year, Kahlo interrupted her pregnancy due to the incorrect position of the fetus.

Firdar period ruled by Mercury and sub-period ruled by Saturn, both planets and their positions are mentioned above. The Profected House is the 11th, whose Ruler and Almuten is Mercury, posited in the 12th house, also as mentioned above.

1932: 24 years old
Firdar: Mercury - Jupiter
Profected House: 1st

On July 4, 1932 Kahlo’s second pregnancy was interrupted with an abortion in the Henry Ford Hospital. This event affected Kahlo immensely, which one can see in her works, especially in the "Henry Ford Hospital" or "The Flying Bed".

The Firdar period is ruled by Mercury and the sub-period by Jupiter. Mercury as indicated previously is posited in the 12th house (this house is associated with serious diseases, hospitalizations, imprisonments and adversities). Jupiter, the Ruler of the 8th house (this house is associated with death, fears and losses), is posited in the cusp of the 12th house and it is also Ruler and Almuten of the 5th house (this house is associated with the pregnancy and with children ‘Agathe Tyche’). The opposition from Mars, posited in the 5th house, to Jupiter, is a strong indication of Kahlo's difficulties in having children and confers to this issue a very violent character, pertaining to the nature of Mars. The Profected House is the 1st, the Sun is the Ruler and the Almuten of the 1st house, (this house is associated with life and with the physical body of the native) and it receives an opposition from Mars, Almuten of the 6th house (this house is associated with diseases and defects of the body) and as mentioned above, posited in the 5th house. If the opposition from Mars to Jupiter already indicates Kahlo's difficulties in having children and the violence that Mars confers to the circumstances, the opposition to the Ruler and Almuten of the 1st, increases the difficulty of Kahlo to accomplish her desire of having children, since the 1st house is by nature the house associated with life.

«Henry Ford Hospital» or «The Flying Bed», 1932

1938: 31 years old

Firdar: Moon - Moon

Profected House: 8th

In October/November Kahlo made her first individual exhibition in the Julien Levy Gallery in New York, with which reached a great success and received several orders for her works.

Firdar period and sub-period is ruled by the Moon. In Kahlo's nativity the Moon is the ruler of the Midheaven by Exaltation and it is practically conjunct to it, in Exaltation and Triplicity. The Moon is disposed by Venus, in the cusp of the 11th house (this house is associated with hopes, groups, organizations and friends ‘Agathos Daemon’). This configuration points out the success of the exhibition and also Kahlo's prestige among the social circle of the time, Venus in the 11th house dispositor of the Moon.

In January of 1939, during the same Firdar period, Kahlo embarked to Paris to carry out an exhibition, which did not go so well as the previous, due to several factors.

Kahlo was in the Profected 8th house (31 years old), ruled by Jupiter (delineated above), but with the malefic Saturn posited in the same house. Furthermore, Venus, the dispositor of the Moon, receives a square from Saturn, justifying in this manner the limitations and delays of the exhibition in Paris.

1950: 42-43 years old

Firdar: Saturn - Jupiter and Saturn - Mars

Profected Houses: 7th and 8th

Kahlo spent nine months in the ABC Hospital, in Mexico City, where she was submitted to a total of 7 operations to the column. “I was sick during a year … I still am in a wheel chair and I don't know when I will be able to walk again. I have a plaster cast that, instead of being horribly boring, it helps me to better support my column. I don't feel pain, only a great weariness …, and, as it is natural, sometimes despair. An indescribable despair. However I want to live …”.

When Kahlo was submitted to the operations, she was in the Firdar of Saturn - Jupiter which had begun in 30-01-1949, entering the Firdar of Saturn - Mars in 26-08-1950. Saturn is the Ruler and co-Almuten of the 6th house (this house is associated with diseases and defects of the body), posited in the 8th house (this house is associated with death, fears and losses) and Jupiter, Ruler of the 8th house, posited in the cusp of the 12th house (this house is associated with serious diseases, hospitalizations, imprisonments and adversities). Mars, Ruler of the Firdar sub-period (26-08-1950), Almuten of the 6th house, makes an opposition with the Sun, Ruler and Almuten of the 1st house (this house is associated with life and with the physical body of the native). The Profected Houses during this disturbed period of Kahlo's life are the 7th and 8th houses. The 7th house is ruled by Saturn posited in the 8th house. The 8th house is ruled by Jupiter posited in the cusp of the 12th house, all these configurations were already delineated above.

1954: 47 years old

Firdar: Saturn - Venus

Profected House: 12th

Seriously sick with pneumonia, Kahlo died during the night of 12 to 13 of July, 1954, seven days after her 47th birthday.

Kahlo was in the Firdar period of Saturn and sub-period of Venus. Venus is the Almuten of the 8th house, house associated with death, and it makes a square to Saturn, Ruler and co-Almuten of the 6th house (this house is associated with diseases and defects of the body), posited in the 8th house, which reiterates the meaning of the 8th house, death. In spite of a Mutual Reception by Triplicity that exists between Venus and Saturn, both are Peregrines, not mitigating this configuration. Besides the afflictions mentioned above and in spite of Venus being a benefic planet by nature, it is also afflicted for being Succedent, in Triplicity and in the Terms of the great malefic, Saturn. Jupiter, Ruler of the 8th house, the house associated with death, is conjunct to the Profected House, the 12th house (this house is associated with serious diseases, hospitalizations, imprisonments and adversities). As it was said previously, Jupiter is a benefic planet by nature, but in the case of Kahlo's nativity, in spite of finding it in Exaltation and Term, it is Cadent, Combust and afflicted by an opposition from Mars and it is the Ruler of a bad house ‘Epicataphora’. Notice that the Ruler of the Profected House, the Moon, is Void of Course.

Last page of Kahlo's diary, "I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to return."

In 1958 the Frida Kahlo Museum was opened, in the "Blue House" where Kahlo was born and died, the Museum was presented to the Mexican nation, in agreement with Diego Rivera's whishes, who died in 1957.


The purpose of this study is not to be a deepened delineation but an approach of some important events in Frida Kahlo's life, using Medieval predictive techniques like Firdar and Profection. It is necessary to have in consideration that these techniques are not enough for an exhaustive delineation of a nativity, however, these two techniques are tools of an immense predictive value. For a complete study it would be necessary to apply other types of techniques, such as transits, solar returns and primary directions, which would complement the predictive techniques of Firdar and Profection.

As one could verify by the delineation above, the techniques used in this study provides a clear and objective analysis of some key-points in the artist's life.

Let's say we have a chart with Jupiter in the Midheaven and rules the ascendant and the fourth. In its firdar then the events will be those pertaining to the life and livelihood of the native (ascendant) as well as those that concern the natives parents, heritage, and lands and secret things etc, (the fourth). It will also signify events concerning profession and magistries and his destiny. Now let's say the Sun is participating for its time in Jupiter's firdar. It is a diurnal chart and let's say the Sun is in the 11th. How will the Sun manage what Jupiter dispenses? Well first we can say that in a diurnal chart Jupiter is the proxy and benefactor of good things of the Sun - they are of the same sect and the Sun is its sect Lord. Therefore we might say that the Sun will do well to distribute what Jupiter dispenses because of their kinship and friendship and the affections of those times (how the sun reacts) is going to be in its typical solar and life giving fashion. It might be a period of exceptionally good health and wealth from the native’s livelihood. If the Sun ruled the 9th then it might indicate the native’s knowledge in providing a livelihood etc. Now if it were Mars participating and Mars was in say the 7th and in a superior square to Jupiter we might say Mars is the mortal enemy of Jupiter and given to destruction and enmities and its passions with regard to Jupiter’s matters are going to be destructive and overwhelming, so we might find events concerning livelihood are full of contention and disagreement or his health is threatened by accidents which separate him from his profession etc.

It would be necessary to know what relationship the participating planet has to the ruler and whether those houses for which the ruler dispenses are benefited or detrimental by the participating planet and whether or not that planet has any testimony in those matters etc.

This is all very simplistic and does not include such considerations as where the participator falls in the solar revolution and whether or not it has a signification to year and how it is configured to the ruler in the solar return etc.

The tapestry that Abu Ma'shar weaves between all the elements of prediction is a masterpiece in my opinion although at times difficult to fathom <g>.

OK so I'll stop here because I never intended to write an essay here, but it’s difficult to discuss some things without really understanding something of their original meanings.

在2005年4月之前,firdaria走到水-月时期,月亮天蝎到命盘9宫,月亮虽入弱,却得到10宫火星入庙的帮助, 月亮为群众,火星在10宫为尊荣,这就是所谓镁光灯下焦点的写照。

    到了2005年4月之后,firdaria走到水-土时期,土星天蝎到命盘9宫,虽然也得到火星入庙定位, 但由于土星本身主压抑,状态又属外来的(peregrine),主孤单,也是盘中12宫主(cadent)主闭藏,再加上最近流咬M鲩_土星, 所以容易有无依、自闭、不悦的情形。

      近 期流吣就习合,木星会稍缓土星之危, 而今年小限(profection)命度在11宫,宫内见木星,原局水星也入庙,心态上如果能稍加调整就会好一点的。但水-土时期会持续到2008年2 月,2008年2月后,会进入直到水-木时期,届时整体邉莶艜稍稍增强。


网址:[转载]法达星限(FIRDARIA)技巧与案例(译) https://mxgxt.com/news/view/166609


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