
发布时间:2024-12-10 09:27

沪江英乐讯    对于独立乐队来说,拍MV是件很费钱的事,有木有省钱的点子呢?当然有~美国独立乐队Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin的这只MV完全是是把摇滚乐队Aerosmith的一些演出视频剪辑到一起,然后配上自己的这首歌,感觉口型、节奏、气氛什么的还贴合得挺天衣无缝嘛,看上去就像是Aerosmith在唱这首歌一样~当然歌曲本身也不错哦。不过这个剪辑应该也挺费功夫的吧。

Artist:Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
Song:Back in the Saddle

Back in the Saddle, White Nights
I got sixteen friends down, let's ride
We're gonna bomb the battlefield mall,
we're gonna take you down
We're gonna build a street that's perfect,
we're gonna make it last

We're comin' around
Up from the ground
Straight to your heart now
from my mouth
We've got the sound
Gonna give it out

And when we die the world won't end
Just keep on drinkin' 'til it spins
Colors abound
Gonna sell 'em out

Just wanna know you, what's wrong with that
We'll take you anywhere, but you know we're coming back
Just wanna know what's wrong with you
You're right across the street and I don't know what to do

I never told you what I want to do
that I always knew you always knew
I wanna show you what we're gonna do
that I always knew you always knew

Just wanna show you what I know, I know it's right
If I touch you once tonight it could turn to everytime
Now that I told you, gonna make it right
Gonna start tonight
We're comin' around, we got the sound, be on our side

网址:流行音乐 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/121515


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