
发布时间:2024-12-08 16:11

  瞬间提升雅思口语答案level的明星访谈-Taylor Swift

  雅思口语Part 1的答题风格如果可以像聊天一般自然随意,分数一定不会太差,因为Part 1存在的意义就是考察我们可不可以针对日常的话题迅速给出地道的回答。有些烤鸭在解读口语评分标准的时候会有个误区,就是把本该加分的less common vocabulary理解成了“生僻的用词”,而忽略了后面还有个idiomatic呀!idiomatic在字典里的解释是containing expressions that are natural to a native speaker of a language,也就是说,答案中表达的“地道性”是非常加分的;less common也不要理解成是“不常见的”,而是“别太普通的”。就比如你想说“漂亮”,不管形容啥大脑里第一个蹦出来的就是beautiful,这就比较common了,我们其实可以根据描述的不同物品使用不同的表达来形容,如果是形容人,我们可以用drop-dead gorgeous来替换beautiful;如果是形容风景,我们可以用breathtaking,这样无论从语气还是情感方面,都double了一下不是么!

  那么如何在日常学习中积累这些地道的表达素材呢?平时没有英文语境的我们,最好用的authentic material就是影视作品和明星访谈了!尤其是后者,简直就是明星直播Part 1考试!(但是有些回答过于简短,不太符合考试答案风格)这里最推荐的就是Vogue Magazine制作的73 Questions Answered By Your Favorite Celebs,一镜到底的快问快答(rapid-fire questions),满满当当的全是干货!感兴趣的烤鸭伙伴们可以去网站观看(无字幕版) https://www.vogue.com/video/series/73-questions 虽然没有字幕,但是网站非常贴心的在视频下方添加了transcript,所以无论是学习口语还是练习听力都是绝佳素材!

  今天我们就先跟Taylor Swift学一波地道表达!

  视频网址如下,请大家先观看一遍,回来我们一起整理一下可以用在考场上的idiomatic expressions!



  Q: What’s your favorite food?

  A: I mean, if we’re just saying like, what I wish I could eat everyday if calories didn’t count, is like, chicken tenders.

  在very informal的语境里,当我们在思考接下来要说什么,或者想解释、举例子,就经常会用到like来让我们的停顿更加自然。例如:

  It’s really hard. Like I have no time for my own work.

  这里like被叫做filler word, 虽然在各种访谈里like的出镜率超级高,但是用的太频也不太好,尤其是正式场合不建议使用,容易给人less intelligent的感觉……

  问答No. 2:

  Q: What was the best birthday cake you’ve ever had?

  A: It was from Milk bar. It was for my 25th birthday and it was so good that even Jay-Z raved about it.

  Rave about somebody or something就是对某人或某物大加赞赏。我们想从侧面夸赞的时候,就可以用到这个短语哦!例如:

  The critics raved about his performance in his new movie.

  问答No. 3:

  Q: What’s your favorite TV show of all time?

  Q: Favorite TV show that’s currently on the air?

  Q: What was a movie that made you cry your eyes out?


  首先of all time表示that has ever existed,可以翻译成“有史以来”,例如:Many rated him the best singer of all time.


  my all-time favorite song

  Profits are at an all-time high/ low.

  “正在播放”是on the air, 那么“不在播放”了就是off the air. 所以以后如果我们说某部剧“被砍了”,除了可以用cancel这个词,还可以说the show was taken off the air.

  我们中文里有“把眼睛哭瞎”,英文里有cry my eyes out,真是神似的表达!

  问答No. 4:

  Q: What’s one habit you wish you could break?

  A: Well, when I’m sitting there, usually I just do this with my leg and people think that I’m nervous and then they get nervous and then everybody’s nervous.

  首先,“改掉某种习惯”除了可以用change the habit,还可以说break the habit,例如:I’m trying to break the habit of staying up too late.

  其次需要强调的是,口语考试时候别忘了body language也是有效沟通的方法啊!当你不会形容某个动作的时候,就直接作出那个动作就好了嘛。连native speaker都这么做了咱怕啥!边抖腿边说“I just do this with my leg.”就搞定了。

  问答No. 5:

  Q: What surprises you most about people?

  A: I’m pleasantly surprised by the fact that I tell my friends absolutely everything and it never ends up getting out.

  Surprise到底是“惊喜”还是“惊吓”,加个副词就准确表达出来了!而且大家注意到没,Taylor很喜欢用the fact that的同位语从句,这也是加分句式哦!(另一处是I grew up in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, and I liked the fact that it had a lot of historic buildings.)

  问答No. 6:

  Q: Any pre-show rituals?

  A: Yeah, I stretch, I warm up my voice, and then my band and dancers and I get in a huddle, and it’s just good vibes.

  “凑在一起、围成一圈”第一个蹦出来的表达一定是circle,不过huddle更强调人们gather closely together,所以更适合语境。而且huddle也可以作为动词,例如:They all huddled around the fire.

  Vibes就是“气氛、氛围”,例如:The vibes weren’t right.

  问答No. 7:

  Q: If you could raid one woman’s closet, who would it be?

  A: Blake Lively.


  I caught him raiding the fridge again (= taking food from it).

  问答No. 8:

  Q: Besides your phone and wallet, what’s a couple of must-have purse items?

  A: I have this lavender antibacterial hand spray that I have and whenever me and my friends are in a public bathroom and we have to wait in line at the sink to wash our hands, I’m like, “No, check it out.” (spraying sounds) And everybody’s like, “Thanks girl.”

  这里特意把this标注出来,是因为它跟小学时候学的那个this不是一个用法啦。字典里对于这个用法的解释是used when you are telling a story or telling somebody about something, 就很像中文里的“这么个…”例如:

  There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.

  然后这里用到的like呢,又有了另一种用法,当我们说I’m like… he’s like …等等的时候,表示的是I say…, he says… 尤其是我们有很强烈的情绪的时候,它可以比客观描述更加形象的表达情感。比如我们想说I was surprised. 下次我们就可以说I was like “wow!” 或者想描述生气,下次别说I was angry. 换成I was like “No way!” 是不是一下子就有画面感了!

  问答No. 9:

  Q: What’s the one thing you wish you knew at 19?

  A: If I could talk to my 19-year-old self, I’d just say, “Hey, you know, you’re gonna date just like a normal 20-something should be allowed to, but you’re going to be a national lightning rod for slut shaming.”


  She called at something after ten o’clock. (十点多)

  a new comedy aimed at thirty-somethings (三十几岁的人)

  Lightning rod这个词可能口语Part 1不会用到,但说不定哪天写作或者深奥的Part 3会派上用场。它的解释是a person or thing that attracts criticism, especially if the criticism is then not directed at somebody / something else. 是不是有种“招黑”而且“被针对”的感觉!

  问答No. 10:

  Q: What’s something you will not be doing in 10 years?

  A: Something I will not be doing in 10 years… I’ll be 36, I really hope that I’m not stressed about the idea of approaching 40. I hope that aging is not something that really freaks me out.


  中文里的“奔四”,Taylor用到了approach 40 (to come close to something in amount, level or quality),除此之外,我们还可以使用be pushing 40.

  “我快50了”,就可以说I’m pushing 50.

  Freak也是应该常挂在嘴边的高频口语词,如果我们说somebody freaks或者something freaks somebody就表示因震惊、惊讶或者害怕而反应强烈,它常常跟out一起出镜,例如你哪天染了一头绿发,爸妈看到很震惊,就可以说My parents really freaked when they saw my hair. 又或者你很怕蛇,看到就会吓得跳起来那种的,就可以说Snakes really freak me out.



网址:瞬间提升雅思口语答案level的明星访谈 https://mxgxt.com/news/view/101987


50 万的明星访谈高价,为何让访谈节目陷入困境?
